Pt.4 : A piece of her

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This is the conclusion to 'A bord du train de l'amour'.Set back on the train.

The End

Ba-dum  ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum

Her heart hammers mimicking the train on the tracks,
Her lungs constrict as she gasps for air,
Her knuckles turn white at how hard she is clenching her fists,
Her eyes, red and swollen, with dark bags on the underside
Her cheeks, hard, from the waves of salty tears, dried upon them. Leaving behind a dull throb in her head.

The train goes into an underground tunnel and all the light of day disappears as the darkness engulfs it...

A heavy heart, a ghostly pained smile and her bag in tow. She disembarks from the train.
This is where it all started, but standing on the platform of the station, is a completely different her. She has grown, she has memories now, something to look back on even with tears in her eyes. She can choose to be consumed by it or live with it.

A quivering puddle of tears, she starts moving towards the exit of the train station.

"I have decided to bury you,
I will do anything to keep you buried deep inside,
Deep inside where you will never see the light day.
Can you see how much turmoil you’ve caused?
Do you see the sadness in my eyes?
The pain and heaviness in my heart?
The words, the red marks and black scars, the emptiness, the self loathe?
All these because of you,
I know I deserve it
But I can’t take it anymore; I can’t handle YOU anymore.
Every day I let you exist freely,
I fall deeper,
I will drown soon if I don’t do this.
You have to go,
I am forced to choose between you and my sanity
And I choose my sanity
I know I should be worried,
Worried you will resurface one day, uglier than you are today
But I won't fret, I will handle you when that day comes.
I don’t wanna cry anymore
Thanks to you, I caught a glimpse of how zany my crazy can be.
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved before."

Thank you for reading<3
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This is officially the end of S.O.P.
Thanks much for the continued support🥂

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