Chapter 26: Procrastinating

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I connected my phone to Lilith’s Bluetooth speaker that I swiped from her room. I went through my phone and started to play my chill playlist. I turned towards the tub and started the water for the shower. I checked the temperature until it was perfect and stripped off my clothes. After I put on my shower cap the song Closer To U by Rendezvous At Two started to play. My hips started to move with the beat unconditionally.

The lyrics made me think of what I did last night, or rather what I allowed to happen to me. How he gave me what I craved while leaving me wanting more. That had to me why I felt a little horny all day, Corciel must have used his demonic power on me. I bit my lip as I debated if that is something I should be angry about or not.

As I wondered I lifted my foot aiming for the side of the tub. Yet somehow, my foot missed the mark and went over on the wet side. My foot slid forward and I tossed my arms out in a desperate grab for something to gain my balance on. Luckily my wild flailing was successful and I grabbed a jacket.

A jacket that hung on a chest. A chest with arms that went to steady me further. One hand on my back, the other on my arm that is gripping the jacket. The feeling of light shooting around just under my skin, helped me to recognize, who I was holding without having to look at their face.

“Baltazar, What the fuck!”, I cried out as I lifted my other hand up to reach for his face and quickly covered his eyes, even though I felt that his head was already turned away from my body.

I twisted my body a bit more and looked him up and down. He looked the same as this morning, well aside from the blush crawling up his neck and settling on his cheeks.

He cleared his throat before he spoke, “My apologies, I couldn’t just let you fall and hurt yourself, My love. I didn’t see anything.”

I moved my hand from his eyes, placing both my hands on his shoulder. I pushed him until his back was fully facing me. I stepped carefully into the tub before I let go of him, and pulled the curtain between us. I stepped under the water and let out a moan from the feel of the hot water.

I lifted my hands, rubbing the droplets of water from my hands on my face. I blew out a breath as I decided to move past what just happened. I tilted my head back as I called out gently, “Baltazar, you still there?”

“Should I leave?”, He asked me in a genuinely curious tone.

The laugh that bubbled up came out in a low chuckle, “Usually yes, since we are strangers. But I want to talk to you so, no.”

When he didn’t respond, I let out another breath. I turned my body allowing the water to go down my back. I bit my lip as I decided how I should phrase this question. I grabbed my washcloth and soap, rubbing them together between my hands.

After my washcloth was thoroughly lathered, I spoke out my question, “I was talking with Lilith earlier about this soulmate thing. And well, I want to know if angels can live without their soulmate?”

There was the sound of the shower and the music in the background. I focused on washing my body as dread started to fill my stomach. Was he angry at me? Disappointed? Does he hate me now? Should I have just kept my mouth shut?

“It’s very rare for Angels to be blessed with a soulmate, let alone two. But it is always seen as the highest honor. If you want to be nothing more than Guardian and charge, I will give you that my love. Even if it means you will never see me again, but I will be a part of your life. Just the thought of not being around you after I found out how much lost time there is between us makes me sick”, He answered my question in a thoughtful slow manner as if he was making sure he chose the right words and tone of voice.

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