" We're whatever you want us to be." Kid told him.

" Can we... be boyfriends? You know... the weird kind that hide on the steps and who get together for real after this dumbass dance?" Soul asked, scratching the back of his head. He knew what he'd said... how he didn't know for sure what he was feeling, but still... it was like there was a little voice in his head just telling him to go for it.

" I'd love that." Kid laughed and leaned back against his new boyfriend's warm chest. Soul smiled to himself lightly.

" Just a few more days."

The following days would feel like an eternity for Kid especially. He had liked Soul for forever now, but things had changed. The weapon was his, and for some reason it all seemed like a vivid dream.

{ DWMA Steps: one day before the dance }

The couple lunch periods in the days since they were official were pretty much the only time Soul and Kid got to be alone, just the way they liked it.

Maka had finally accepted the fact that Soul wasn't coming to lunch. He had given her the lame excuse of "studying" and she knew he wasn't being truthful with her. But what could she do? Was she the type of controlling, overthinking, paranoid "girlfriend" who would get to the bottom of things? Yes. Exactly that kind. But asking Soul for the truth was too simple, no, she needed to be sneakier about things.

As Soul sat down on the steps, he felt nothing was different. Kid, on the other hand, knew they were not alone. The weapon greeted him happily and scooted closer, about to wrap an arm around his shoulder.

" So, Soul, what is it you needed help with today?" Kid threw his voice so their spectator would hear him. Unluckily for him, his boyfriend wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. He gave a perplexed look. The reaper whispered so only Soul could hear.

" Maka followed you out here, I'm picking up her soul wavelength." Kid was careful in making sure nobody watched them. He didn't want a repeat of the Liz and Patty photo-op.

" Oh." Soul mouthed, finally catching on. " I need help with some of the phasmology concepts we talked about yesterday." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. Neither of them could believe Maka had been snoopy enough to stalk her partner this way, but at the same time they could. Soul knew she wasn't happy with him, and Kid had suspected she was starting to jump to conclusions.

The very nosy blonde hid herself near the top of the stairs. Why couldn't Soul just ask me for help? She asked herself.

Kid whispered to the boy next to him nearly inaudibly.

" Should I call her out?"

Soul nodded. Kid perked his head up and turned around.

" Maka! If you wanted to come study with us so badly why didn't you just say so?" He called. She looked horrified, the expression still grasping her features as she shamefully emerged from the shadows.

" Maka? What're you doing here?" Soul pointed his gaze at her along with Kid. She walked down the steps, pissed at herself for being discovered. But still... she had to play it off.

" I could ask you the same thing." She said, folding her arms.

The boys looked at each other, then back at her. Kid was an excellent liar when it was pretty much anyone besides Soul. Reapers had to know how to be cunning and he was no exception. It just didn't show around Soul.

" I've been tutoring Soul for the past couple days."

" You've been tutoring him?" Maka seemed hurt.

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