Chapter 12

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Alex flies through the air. His hands release grip on the rope swing connected to the full grown tree lining the edge of the lake. The scars from previous surgeries that line Alex's chest gleam in the sun as he plummets to the water below. Droplets of water hit my skin as I oversee from the pier.

Rebekah applauds, her hands clapping above her head as she watches Alex's head breaks through the water's surface. I can't help but watch as Alex makes his way over to the woman that's caught his attention. Rebekah's smile brightens up the lake as she wraps her arms around Alex's shoulders. Her dark skins pops against Alex's opposite pale white skin, almost matching the shade of her white one-piece swimsuit.

I join in on the applause. The heat from the sun against my skin feels amazing. The view is even better. The surrounding forest is beautiful, untouched from the hands of mankind. I forgot about how peaceful nature can be. Being around electronics, noise and -well - people can be so tiring. Just the serenity of being in such a quiet, peaceful place is wonderful.

Closing my eyes against the bright sun, I rest my head back down against a bunched up towel. The atmosphere of the lake relaxes me and I find myself slowly drifting asleep. Right before I finally fall, the heat from the sun is suddenly taken away. My once perfect beam of sunlight is taken away as something blocks the sun.

Throwing my hand over my eyes, I squint up at the culprit. His tan, muscled chest covers the sun from my sight. Beads of water drip down Elliot's body as he looks down on me.

"What are you doing?" I lay my head back down on the towel and close my eyes. "You're blocking my sun."

Silence meets my ears as the missing heat from the blocked sun returns. Moments later, a pair of strong hands grip my waist, and I'm thrown into the air. My eyes burst open and my stomach presses against Elliot's shoulder. Screaming obscene vulgarities, I watch as my tanning spot moves farther away.

Elliot laughs at my poor attempt of intimidation. "What's the point of coming here if you're just gonna sleep?" I pound my fists against his back. "I wanna see you wet."

"Elliot, don't you dare. I swear, I can't-" My argument is cuts off as my body soars through the air. When my body crashes through the water, all air leaves my chest. My body sinks and my arms rise above my head. Eyes wide, I feel them burn as the water makes contact with them. Something flashes before my eyes and any oxygen I had left leaves me as fear overtakes my body. A pair of searing red, hot eyes latch onto mine across the water. I push myself backwards, away from the nearing eyes. My head pounds from the lack of oxygen and my mouth open as I try to breath in the nonexistent air. Water fills my lungs and my body fades as those red eyes grow closer. Suddenly, I feel something curl around my wrists, and I'm pulled up and out of the water just as I black out.

"Chloe! Chloe, god damn it!" Pressure builds in my chest as cries reach my ears. "Wake up! I didn't find you just to lose you!"

Water travels back up and the pressure that once overtook my chest and lungs disappears. Arms wrap around me as I spring upward, the dirty lake water spilling from my mouth.

A hand lands on my back, gently circling. "Oh, thank god." A feminine voice whispers. My eyes slowly peel open and the bright sun burns against them. I squint them as they adjust to the bright light. Beautiful emerald eyes fill my vision. Elliot caresses my face as his own is clouded with worry and something else. Past Elliot, Alex comforts a sobbing Rebekah, her head resting against his neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even think that you might not be able to swim," Elliot apologizes profusely over and over. He brushes the wet tendrils of hair from my face.

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