Anonymous Girl

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A lady standing near the wall,
A beautiful smile she plastered on her face on,
She deeply breathed, chinned up her head
She walks the light, and make herself act fine.

Whispered beneath her breath,
"Everything's okay."
Acted upon like her pain is nothing,
She knows its too much -her heart is bleeding.

"Keep everything unsaid,
keep everything unheard,
keep everytging to yourself,
don't trust anyone or you'll regret."

She made peace with her pain
Goes back to the wall,
she cried her heart out
tears endlessly fall.

Tainted by the memory, of past that haunts her
She keep whispering, "Stop! I can't make it."
She loudly screamed, no one hears,
If ever they did they just ignore her.

She was the anonymous girl, who hides her pain
She was the anonymous one, who tried to smile each time,
She seems so tough, yet broke inside,
Lady if you're hurt that much talk to God.

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