"I-" damn her. She wanted to explain yet nothing could leave her.

"Look at me." He pulled her up. Putting his fingers under her chin, he turned her face his way. "There is something else going on, isn't it?"

"It's nothing."

It was more than nothing. It was everything. Her whole life was at risk. She needed to save herself without causing damage to people around her. She needed to save whatever was left of her, save her dignity, her respect, and her honor. She needed to find a way to leave her room and find her solace in Zach's touch and safety in his room. She needed to wash away the filthy touch of that fiend.

Part of her felt selfish for the reason of this marriage but there were to do it one day anyways so why not when she needed it the most. Maybe if Zachary's name was attached with her then that monster would stay away from her. He wouldn't touch Zach's wife. He wouldn't dare to cross Zach. Zach's anger was deadly just as much as his heart was soft. He was made of contradictions and the anger was worst of his traits. But what if he said no? She gulped.

When Asfandyar put his foot on Hafeez Mirza's throat, he didn't dare to touch her again for months but then Lala was gone, snatched away from her. Her mother stood to save her, teaching her to be strong, but the trauma was too strong to ever build courage on. Knowing that, her mother never left her side, but her fate was so ominous. Her mother was taken from her. Leaving her vulnerable and in the hand of the devil.

Kabir was too distraught, lost, and depressed to even know what was going on in his surroundings. Hafeez Mirza found his way crystal and clear. The devil had free reign over her. She needed to do something before he completely wrecked her and got his filthy hands on her. Marrying Zach was her only option. If she took off alone he would find her. He was thirsty for revenge and obsessed with her.

This decision of hers was ridiculous. It was not rational. It didn't make sense to her but it felt right. He was her shield. Always had been. He would protect her, she knew it. He had promised her mother and Zach kept his promises.



"Marry Me, Zachary!" She whispered, holding his hands, finding her courage in them. "I need you to marry me and take me away from here. Nobody has to know. Just do it for me. Even my brothers won't find out. I need to do this for me. If you want to go be with someone else later in life, you can go ahead. You don't even have to ask me. You don't even have to register this marriage. I really need you right now, Z. I swear I do."

"Are you fucking stupid or what?" He yelled at her for saying all those words just like that. He clenched his teeth, his jaw tightened. "I love you so fucking much that it's insane. It scares the shit out of me that I'm so in love with you. I don't think I have ever known anything apart from having you here, loving you, being with you. And that's fucking terrifying because if someday you decided that I'm not worthy of your love, I think I'll lose my mind, my sanity, and my life. You're my salvation, Ayla. There could never be another woman or another salvation for me. You are embedded in my soul and that is damn scary because if you left me like this, there would be nothing left of me. So yes I will marry you whether it's ten years later or right now. I don't care because it's always going to be you. We'll be like this till the end of this world and beyond, in love beyond the limits of this fickle of a universe. Anything for you Sunshine, so yeah let's get married then."

Without You ✔️ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now