Chapter 18 - Asher

Start from the beginning

"What are you talking about? You're not seriously planning on taking him down by yourself, are you?"

"Yes, I am. This is my mess to handle and it's unfinished business I should have taken care of long time ago."

"You can't—"

"I can and I will, Nate. Stay the fuck out of it."

"You're fucking insane." He growls. I still refuse to meet his eyes but I can feel how pissed off he is. His anger is radiating off of him. "Even now you're dead-set on handling this yourself. Maybe you didn't have a choice before but you have a choice now. I can help you. Coach and the boys can help you. Can you open your eyes and for once just fucking accept you have people that are there for you?"

I don't say anything but my jaw ticks in disagreement. Nate gets in my face and I have no choice but to look at him now. I've never seen him so livid.

"What's it going to take for you to stop feeling so fucking sorry for yourself?" He shoves me hard and my back crashes into the ropes. I blink in slight shock. Nate has never been aggressive with me before unless it was for sparring or trying to stop me from being a hot-head. "When are you going to stop with the same old fucking sob story? You grew up on your own and could never depend on anyone—we fucking get it. But that isn't your life anymore and you need to fucking get that through your thick head. You need to stop acting like it's you against the world and shitting on the people that are trying to be there for you."

Is he fucking serious with that low blow? I bark out an incredulous laugh and shove him back. Our tension is starting to catch everyone's attention, our spectators regarding us curiously when I get nose-to-nose with him.

"I'm not shitting on anyone. I'm protecting the people I care about because I do have a choice and I'm deciding to leave you out of it this time. I got you involved once and I'm not fucking doing it again. You may get off with this hero complex you have going on and acting like you're the answer to everyone's problems but you're not. I'm trying to look out for you and your family, your son, and you still somehow manage to make it all about yourself. I never asked you to fucking save me so don't catch an attitude because you can't play Superman this time."

"You're so fucking full of it." He shakes his head in disgust. "All I'm trying to do is remind you that I can help, not solve your fucked-up problems. You're getting pissed that I don't want you to die because your ego has problems accepting anyone's help? Fuck you, Asher. I'm your fucking brother and you still won't let me in and be there for you. You want to be alone in this world so fucking bad? I won't stop you anymore. I'm done."

"The door's right there." I goad and point to the exit.

I was counting on him to leave because Nate isn't one to let his anger get the best of him. That's why I have my guard down and that's why I don't see the punch he throws coming. It knock into my jaw with enough force that I fall to the ground and barely have time to brace my hands and knees on the ring. For a second I'm stunned and a short laugh bursts out of me as I gape at the floor. He did not just fucking do that.

Then I calmly get back up and brush myself off, offering him a little warning smile. He silently dares me to hit him back. So I do.

I go right for the gut, sinking my fist deep enough that he grunts in pain and keels over. I use my other hand to punch the side of his face and send him scrambling back. He finds his footing fast enough that he straightens up and barrels into me, taking the both of us down. I land on my back but am quick to roll us over so that I'm on top and able to deck him in the jaw. He sends a punch straight up into my chin and my head snaps back right before he kneels me in the ribs. I fall off of him and then he's on top of, one hand holding me down in place and the other reared back for another punch.

Path To Realization (Fighter's Den, #4)Where stories live. Discover now