Chapter Twenty-five

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London's POV

The plane landed after four long hours of Ryan freaking out over the plane. It was her first time. I would just get her to calm down then we would hit more turbulence.

"I'm not flying again not atleast until after the baby is born" she breathed in the air of outside then walked down the steps.

"Yes, maybe we should of drove" I wrapped my arm around her waist as I reached the bottom of the steps. There was a car waiting for us.

"Can't we just... go to some hotel for the night" Ryan groaned as she saw Peter step out with a huge stupid grin.

"Alpha, Luna" he squealed like a teenage girl.

"Luna?" She turned and tilted her head in confusion.

"Because I'm the alpha, you get the tittle of Luna. I'll explain more about it later love" I kissed her head then lead her to the awaiting car.

"Peter right?" Peter nodded over dramaticly "calm down a notch, your stressing me out."

"Shit, sorry Luna" he shrunk into himself then walked back to the drivers side and hopped in.

Ryan and I slid into the back seats, Ryan put her head in my lap as she mumbled something like "just a small nap".

"Why is she so exhausted, is she okay?" Peter panicked from the front seat.

"She's pregnant" I sighed "you do need to calm down, your even putting me on edge. Why couldn't Grayson pick us up?"

"He got caught up breaking up a fight" he huffed as he calms himself.

I settle back into the car seat, adjusting Ryan the slightest. I look down with a small smile. She must have been exhausted.

She slept the entire drive peacefully, once we reached the borders that's when I woke her up.

"Ryan, sweetheart. Time to wake up" I cooed with a little shake. She stired mumbling incoherence words. I chuckled at how cute she is.

Trying again with a little shake, she shot up shouting "it was me"

"What wasn't you love?" I asked holding back a laugh.

"Sam..." she shook her head then snuggled up into me.

"Come on love, tell me your dream" I cooed giving her encouraging kissed to her forehead.

"Sam was accusing me of taking the last muffin." She sighed.

"Did he do that a lot" I asked feeling the car slow down a tad.

"Pfft no, I used to accuse him even though it was me" she laughed which died down as the car came to a stop.


"As I'll ever be" she mumbled, I gave her a quick kiss before stepping out. No one apart from close family knew of my mate and pup.

I gave the crowd a wave before turning back round and helping Ryan out. She's a month along and just so happen to have the perfect baby bump.

I'll have to book her in with the pack doc for our first ultra sound.

The crowd gasped with shock then cheered with joy. Mum was running down the pack house steps, flour covered apron still around her.

Ryan growled under her breath as she saw her running straight for us. She pulled me into a hug first then turned to Ryan.

"Oh dear she's stunning!" She squealed and Ryan winced still new to her enhanced hearing.

"Mrs Thorne" Ryan greeted her with her hand out for a shake. Mum just slapped the hand away and pulled her into a hug. Ryan growled due to her over protective mother instincts but still hugged her back.

"Sorry dear, I know how mother's get but I couldn't resist" she pulled back with such adoration in her eyes. "I told you, call me Stella or mum."

"Stella, sorry" she smiled.

"Come, come!" She pulled me along brefiely then let go as we started following. "I'm sure everyone can't wait to meet you. Exspeically Nora"

"Great" I heard Ryan mumble under her breath. I pulled her closer to my side as we walked up the stairs, she relaxed into me.

"Nora honey!" Mum yelled as she stepped through the house doors.

"What do you want women!" We heard yelled back.

"I wanted to say hi" Ryan yelled before mum could. Nora come racimg around the corner.

"Holy crap, your way too hot for my brother. Ever swing for the other side?" She waking up with a cheesy grin.

"Maybe we should run away into the sunset together" Ryan winked. I growled at the twos encounter.

"Oh shush you" Nora dismissed me as she went in for a hug and Ryan hugged back. "Damn your big, you having a whole litter or something"

"Not sure what I'm having" Ryan looked down and rubbed her bump. I must admit she does seem bigger then one month.

"We'll get an ultra sound tomorrow love" I kissed her hair.

"Oh can I come and see my niece or nephew!" Nora pleaded holding Ryan hand.


"Sure" Ryan spoke over me.

"Okay let's get to the back yard now" mum moved us along with her hands gesturing for the back door.

They walked out first as Ryan and I followed. We stood on the back deck as everyone faced us, smiles all around waiting for the official introduction.

"Evening pack members! It's nice seeing you all again. If you haven't figured it out, this is Ryan my mate" I held her close to my side. The crowd rawred in cheers and claps. Ryan looked up at me with a small smile.

She smiled down at all the people then as they quiet down she spoke "thank you all for the warm welcome."

They all bowed their heads in respect then started breaking up into small groups of chatter.

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