Chapter Twenty-three

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London's POV

We spent some time just laying in the grass surrounded by nature, eating peanut butter jelly sandwiches.

I didn't have time to make them before we left but I brought everything so that we could make them once we got here.

I had also brought her favorate drink, ginger ale that she was very happy about. She kissed lovingly because of that, I kept saying it's just a drink but her hormones made her cry about it.

"There one more thing about mates that I have to tell you" she sat up and looked down at me, waiting for me to go on. "To complete the connection between two mates, they have to mark and mate"

"So how do you mark me?" She frowned.

"It's a bite usually where the sweet spot is on your neck. In your case, your spot is more on the collar bone... here" I brushed my finger along where her spot is.

"Will the bite hurt?" She shook with the fear of pain.

"What I've heard is that is does for a second then an intense pleasure replaces it" I sat up so that I was meeting her eyes.

"Okay, you can mark me" she blushed with a cute little smile.

"My bite won't just be a mark, it would change you as well"

"Like change me as in I become a werewolf like you?"

"Fifty percent of humans turn, the other only receive the... You could say perks, your sensers are tripled, taste, smell, sight, hearing and you became stronger" I shrugged as if it was nothing but really it can become overwhelming for a human. "Because your carrying a pup, we won't know if you turn until the next full mood after the birth"

"Okay" she shrugged then giggled "bite me"

"Your sure? We can wait" I held her face in my hand.

"I'm sure" she put her hand over mine. I pulled her so that she was straddling my lap, with out much thought I started to kiss her hungrily.

I pulled the little sundress over her head, then fidled with the bra clip. Her hands were working their way up my shirt until she had enough of the fabric and roughly pulled it over my head.

I chuckled "eager are we"

"Yes! These hormones are driving me crazy. You have no idea how much I've wanted to fuck you all week!.... is that hormones or is it the mate connection thingy?" She panted a bit, waiting for my response.

"Probably a little bit of both" I smirked loving her flusted look.

"I really don't care just fuck me" she groaned then fell into a kiss that sent us falling to the ground.

The next moment we are both naked, I rolled us so that I was on top. She mewled out as I pushed myself into her tightness. I could stay in here forever.

"Fuck don't ever pull out" she moaned under me, I think the hormones are effecting her.

"I wish" I groaned then we both started moving our hips. It was slow to start with but it didn't that love until we were going right at it.

I dont know if I've thought this before but fuck this human has some stamina, I'm sorta excited to have an inhuman Ryan.

"Fuck baby that's it!" Ryan cursed as I felt our climaxes coming up fast. Right before we both released, my teeth came out right on que. I licked the spot as a warning for her, without waiting another second I bit down over her collar bone.

She screamed out in pain but the scream turned more like one of her orgasm screams. Then there was this rush of feelings, all her feelings. Love stood out the most.

We both came down from the high at the same time I retracted my teeth from her neck.

We panted, my dick still buried inside her and our foreheads together. She had her eyes closer, I could feel it not see it as my eyes were closed too.

We both opened our eyes at the same time, when hers opened they were glowing gold. I've never see a human that been bitten but I didn't think they got effected so quickly.

I watched as sharp wolf canines grow in her mouth, her eyes still shining bright. That's when I knew what instinct is telling her to do, I moved my head to the side.

Her lips touched my neck just under my ear. She sunk her teeth in, I groaned and my hands tighter around the grass and dirt.

But that pain was short lived by the overwhelming pleasurable sensation that wouldn't even know how to explain.

"Mine" she moaned as she pulled back, her eyes now normal.

"I am your and you are mine" I caressed her smooth skin, her eyes drifted to the mark she just made as the widened.

"What the fuck did I just do?" She panicked.

"It's okay love, it was your instincts to mark what is yours" I cooed and she relaxed under me staring in awe of the mark she made. We layed there silently, I was admiring my mark on her as she did hers.

"It's dark" she noted as her head tilted upwards towards the stars. I hadn't known it went from light to dark, we were both too involved with each other.

"We should head back" I sighed.

"Before we do can I see your wolf" her eyes lit up with wonder.

"Are you sure you won't freak out?" I asked as I now pull out of her and grab her clothing.

"I wont" she cheered as she put her bra on then undies and I watch in disappointment as the dress came back on.

I stood up and backed up a bit from where she's seated on the ground. Hesitantly I shifted, I was so afraid of her reached that I couldn't open my eyes after the shift.

Her hand brushed the fur on my face which lead to me opening my eyes to she her warm admiring eyes. She was in awe once again.

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