Chapter Seventeen

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London's POV.

I woke to an empty bed, her sweet scent fading fast. She left before I woke up.

Sitting up in bed I put my head in my hands, silent tears making their presence know.

"London, the cars here to take us to the plane" Grayson yelled through the door. I wiped my tears and reminded myself this isn't goodbye. We will see each other again.

If only I got her number.

Shaking my head of my thought I roll out of bed even with the looming loneliness surround me. I quickly pack my suit case then head out the door, dropping the room key to the front desk on the way out the building.

The car trip felt long as we drove the airport, when we finally came to a stop I pulled my wallet out to give the man a tip for all the driving has done all week.

When I opened the wallet, a note fell out. I hand the driver the tip then pick the note back up. I open the note as I climb out the car.

Dear London

I hate your stinking guts,
You smell like vomit,
Your the scum between my toes,

Love Ryan

Ps. I'm sorry I had to leave like this but I knew that if I stayed then you wouldn't let me go and I would fall for your pleads. I do wish we could have worked but could you imagine telling our kids and grandkids how we met.

Anyway, you may forget me in time but I will never forget my first true love.

Pps. I took your business card just in case I got lonly, I do have millions after all I can come and visit. A long distance booty call ;)

I laughed with a few tears as I read the letter, she is one special girl.

"Who's Ryan?" Peter asked from behind me.

"I think it was his call girl" Grayson pipped in. "You never get attached to your escorts why was this girl different?"

"She's my mate" I told them as I folded the peice of paper and put it back in my wallet.

"No fucking way!" Peter screamed followed by a slap and a yelp.

"Why you let her go?" Grayson asked calmly as we started walking the steps to our private jet.

"She has to bury her mother and she graduates in a month." I sighed "I'll win her over then"

"Oh man I fantasized about doing it with our Luna" Peter groaned followed by another slap and yelp.

"Would you shut up, you idiot" Grayson growled and Peter pouted at him.

We all settled in the long flight, the boys slept snuggled up together on the couch while I sat and stared out the window.

Going over the letter in my head, she may even call me before her graduation. She could call me for comfort after her mother's funral.

The plane landed and we took the long drive to our pack lands. When we crossed into the our borders I though that I would feel releaved that I'm home.

All I felt way home sick, Ryan is now my home and I may no see her until the end of the month.

"You have to remember that she will feel the effects of being away from you. She will call in no time" Grayson patted my back in a way to comfort me.

A week had come and gone with no call from Ryan, I only got a text that I'm assuming is her that says - fuck I'm missing you.

It was an unknown number so I couldn't text back, it didn't stop me from trying.

This got back to normal here at the pack, I finally completed the week worth paperwork only to get another pile. Perks of being the alpha.

Mum got wind that I found my mate, probably Peters big mouth. She is nagging me to go get her and bring her back even after I told her that she's a human.

She is nagging me for grandkids.

I'm holding onto my sanity but the more I'm apart from her the more I'm losing it. The pack has now learnt to keep their distance for the time being.

Except one stubborn shewolf that wants to get in my pants every two seconds. I nearly killed her the other day if it wasn't for Grayson she would of been dead. But she's still testing her luck, blinded by power.

I could never sleep with my pack, that's why I always hired call girls. Many don't come back because I was too rough, but Ryan... She could take me, she loved when my hand wrapped around her neck.

She's made for me in every way.

Another week had past and no call from my sweetheart. I'm starting to think maybe she isn't feeling the mate pull.

"London, the beta has asked for you down at the training grounds. Says he tried to mind-link you but you've blocked the pack link again" Nora my sister and assistant popped her head into my office.

"Thanks" I sighed then got up. It was about time I got away from the mind numbing paperwork and get fresh air.

When I get to the fields, I find Grayson next to the tree. He's watching over the training of the teens while Patrick is in with his mate as she's having triplets, again.

"What's up?" I asked as I stood next to him.

"I just thought you'd like some fresh air" he smirked.

"Sure do" I sighed. We both watched the teens and growled at them if they got off track of their training. I was about to say I'm going for a run when Nora linked me.

'London, I have a very distressed sounding girl on the phone. I think she said her name was Rylie, she wants to talk to you urgently'

I knew exactly who Nora was talking about, I sprinted back to the house and to my office where I see Nora holding out the phone for me.

"Ryan" I breathed and I hear a little squeak noise on the other end. "Ryan what's wrong?"


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