Chapter 3

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Author's Note: This chapter contains mention of war, torture and alcoholism. Reader discretion is advised.

Years Earlier

He could hear the buzzing of aircraft overhead, coming closer. As others around him began to hear it too, there were screams of panic and terror. People ran wildly for cover. Kassim Hassan looked around him, wide eyed. Where was Grace? Where was Jenelyn? Where were his sisters? He felt his breath catch in his throat as he spotted Grace. She was lying perfectly flat and still behind a log. He would have missed her had he not been looking carefully. 

As she spotted him, her eyes widened too. "Kassim!" she cried, her voice full of terror at what might happen, and the immense danger they were in. He sprinted across to her and threw himself to the ground. Together, they huddled, trying their hardest not to scream or cry with their fear, both shivering heavily instead. They held each other close a moment before pulling apart to hold their hands over their ears to try and block some of the thunderous banging of gunshots nearby.

Men marched all around them, boots loud as they crunched the dirt beneath their feet. Guns at the ready, they searched for stragglers. For anyone they hadn't already rounded up. For anyone they may have missed. Kassim didn't dare look at them. It was scary enough without looking at them directly. Instead, he turned to look at his sister, trying to memorise her face. Just in case the unthinkable happened. Just in case he didn't make it.

Grace had her eyes closed. Praying probably. Just like their mother, Grace was deeply religious. She believed whole heartedly that the Lord would save them. Kassim did too, but his belief was nowhere near as strong as his sister's. He was too scared to think of praying. He knew, after all, that Grace would pray for him too. She loved her big brother dearly. He was counting on that now, as he concentrated all his energy on not letting his fear show. On not giving their position away. Sure, he was afraid of the situation they were in, the people all around him with guns, but what terrified him most was the knowledge that he and Grace were all that remained of their family. Their mother and father had been found long ago, and, he remembered now, with a horrible twinge, Jenelyn was gone too. Kassim feared what would happen if, heaven forbid, he lost Grace, or worse, she lost him.

"Kassim! Kassim! Wake up, Kass! It's ok!" Grace said in an urgent whisper, shaking her shivering brother in an attempt to rouse him from sleep. Finally, he relaxed, lying calmly a moment before opening his eyes.

"Huh?" he asked groggily, his eyes wandering the room before settling on Grace, who now sat perched on the edge of his bed.

"Did you have a flashback?" she asked.

Kassim nodded. "It's like I'm back there all over again," he said. "It is awful. I can't..."

"It's alright. That time has passed." Grace reached for his hand and took it in her own. "You and I, we are safe now. We are safe and together. Our Father in heaven will protect us Kassim, have faith in Jesus. It's ok. He will protect us. He will take care of us now."

Grace slipped her hands from his and stood up a brief second before bending down to flick a switch near the floor, causing a bright glow to fill the room. "Here," she said, retaking her position on the bed. "We'll leave this on, to remind you of where you are."

"Thanks Gracie," he said, offering her a smile.

She started to get up, and Kassim, panicking, hastily grabbed for her arm. "Gracie! Please don't go," he said quieter when she turned back to face him. "Please, will you stay with me tonight?"

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