Chapter 11

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The forest was quiet around them, the only sounds being their quiet footsteps and the rustling of the leaves. The sounds of the animals hadn't yet returned after what happened in the village. The very air of the forest was tense. It was like the creatures that populated the greenery knew that things had changed and were waiting with bated breath for what was coming next.

After everything that had happened in the span of a few hours, Rose was in shock. The image of Frederick holding Melinda's soul in his hand and shattering it was haunting her. Every time she closed her eyes the swirling black aura and blood red power flowing from Frederick flashed across her vision. She'd been able to avoid thinking about it until they'd begun walking through the forest; the silence was deafening and her thoughts were rushing to fill it. Making a fast decision to put off thinking for as long as possible, she addressed Samael who was walking faster than she'd thought possible considering his wounds.

"How are you walking like you're fine? You looked on the verge of death just a few minutes ago. And while we're on the topic, how does your body work exactly? Earlier when I was checking if you were alive, I wasn't sure if you would have a pulse normally. It made me realize just how little I know about you. "

It took him a moment to answer. Rose was too focused on her footing to check if he was glaring at her for daring to question him like he was in her head. Her hand was throbbing, waves of heat making it feel like it was on fire and distracting her from keeping her balance.

"Wounds do not last on my body like yours. Receiving it still hurts and I still react, but it heals quickly. To answer your other question, I do normally have a pulse. Immortals' bodies are identical to those of humans, just undead." He said, voice a little breathy.

"Undead? You sound like a vampire from a cheesy book."

"Those books were probably inspired by us." His tone lightened a little and Rose imagined him with his small not-quite-smile that he used when she amused him. "There are those among my siblings who visited mortals in days long passed. But no, perhaps 'undead' was not the word I meant. We are unable to die, but we can disappear. Our power is what holds our bodies and souls together. Without it, we would disappear in a cloud of dust."

Rose thought for a moment about what he said until a horrifying thought hit her and she looked up, needing to see his expression. "But...that means if Frederick steals all of your power–"

She was cut off by tripping over a huge root sticking out of the ground. Before she hit the ground, she found herself in his cool hands. He righted her like it was nothing. As Rose finally got a glimpse of his face, she realized he was severely underplaying how hard keeping this pace was on him. His face looked gray and damp with sweat. His eyes seemed sunken and dark. How much farther could he realistically walk like this?

Her thoughts were interrupted by his words. "Yes. If he succeeds, I will disappear. He will become the new Death."

He turned from her and continued walking, leaving her to rush to keep up. Thoughts were racing in her mind. How could he act so indifferent about dying?

"What's the new plan then?"

"Nothing has changed. We will get some help from a friend who will hopefully be able to get you into the capital and into the portal to the Amrita." He responded quickly and matter-of-factly.

"What about you?" Anxiety filled her chest. How was he planning to do this alone?

"I will manage."

He sounded so certain, but Rose knew it couldn't be that easy. If he could barely make it out of that attack earlier with help, how could he take Frederick on alone? The whole concept left a bad taste in her mouth.

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