Chapter 4

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A/n: thanks to everyone who'd given DSC a chance so far!  Here's the next one.  I'll publish chapter five on Saturday night, then I'm going back to once a week updating.  Enjoy!!

Rose began to blink back into consciousness, feeling like she was moving. She groaned and tried to sit up, blinking hard against the light making her head swim when she realized someone's arms were around her.

Once her head felt more solid, she opened her eyes again to look at whoever was carrying her. She was slightly startled to see Samael's shock of dark hair, growing stubble, and straight, severe features. He glanced her way, eyebrows drawn together and captivating eyes expressing what she would have called concern had it been anyone else. With him, however, it was impossible to say how he actually felt.

"You're awake." He commented in a soft voice, eyes turning back to where he was walking.

She glanced around slowly, trying not to make her spinning head worse. They were outside her apartment. He was unlocking the door with her key. How'd they get here? Why was he carrying her and why did her head hurt?

He carried her in sideways so she would fit through the doorway and as she looked down at the blood specks on her work shirt it all came tumbling back. Wow, if there was blood on her shirt Ryan must have hit her harder than she thought.

Ryan! Something happened and he was hit by a car! Was he dead? Horror shot through her at the thought and sunk into her stomach like a rock. She already had enough guilt to keep her awake and eat her alive, any more and she wasn't sure what she would do about it.

Samael very quietly opened her bedroom door, probably so as not to wake Jessie, walked in, and set her carefully on her lavender bedspread. He watched her closely, as if making sure she wasn't going to pass out again. She figured he would know more than she would about Ryan's status.

She opened her mouth to speak, flinching in surprise as much as pain when she did so. Stretching the skin under her eye suddenly brought her attention to its throbbing. Sam reached a gentle finger to her swollen eye. No doubt it would go black soon, if it hadn't already. As he very carefully ran his smooth fingertip over her eye, the pain began to dissipate somehow. He let his hand fall to his side once he'd finished, and she felt suddenly significantly better.

He took a step back from her with a deep breath. "Are you alright?" He asked, deep voice rumbling even though he was whispering.

Rose stared at him, uncomprehending what just happened. "Yes. Much better now actually. Why am I much better now?" She asked, confused.

He kept looking at her. "I suppose I can't hide it from you anymore, can I?" He asked himself so quietly she barely heard it. "I didn't want you to find out this way Rose. I'd hoped once I'd made sure you were safe you could go back to your life, and I would just disappear. But you've seen too much now, and I now have confirmation of my suspicions that you're not...what you think you are." He rubbed a pale, large hand up his face and through his hair, making it stick up more.

"What are you talking about? What happened to Ryan? Is he alive?" She asked quickly, hoping he would answer all her questions this time instead of vaguely answering only some like last time.

His eyes flashed with anger. "Don't worry about that piece of human trash. He tried to hurt you; you should be more concerned about yourself."

Rose flinched at his angry tone, not prepared for it after his gentleness. "I...I know. Just please, is he alive?"

"...Unfortunately, yes."

Rose felt the relief wash over her even as she felt irritation with him. What was unfortunate about someone being alive? It was like he believed people dying was no big deal. Even someone attacking her didn't deserve to die, and what was even worse was if that person's blood was on her hands. She didn't need any more blood on her hands. For now, she decided she would let his reaction go and just accept the relief of knowing Ryan was alive.

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