"Should..." Kelley says, but I start mumbling.

"What'd you say?" Tobin whispers.

"Need....Pick up...Mess." I tiredly mumble.

"It's already been picked up baby." Tobin says and kisses my head. "Do you wanna tell them?"

"Need...Mom." I mumble.

"Kelley either call or FaceTime your mom." Tobin says

"Okay." Kelley says.

"You wanna lean against the wall?" Tobin asks.

I nod then we adjust ourselves to lean against the wall as the team sit on the floor around us.

"Hey Kelley." I hear my mother's voice say.

"Hi Mom." My twin says. "Um Astrid has something she needs to tell you."

I'm then passed the phone and I see I'm on FaceTime with my mom.

"Hi Mom." I say and sniffle a bit. "Um I need to tell you something, but I need you to not interrupt until I'm finished okay?"

"Okay?" Mom says as Dad comes into the picture.

"Okay." I say and take a deep breath. "So I had an appointment today to check and make sure that my spine was okay after the flight."

Mom nods for me to continue.

"So when I was getting ready for the procedure they started an IV and took some blood then they took me back and did the......the scan......After the scan was over the doctor showed us the images and..."

"Strides?" Kelley says so I look at her and take a deep breathe then I look back down at the phone.

"Mom I have cancer again and it's in my kidney's" I say causing everyone to gasp. "They think they caught it soon enough so I have partial nephrectomy surgery tomorrow at seven am."

"We're on the way." Mom says and hangs up.

Tobin takes the phone and hands it back to Kelley.

I then take out my phone which has been buzzing non stop

"Fucks sake." I mumble then look at Aaron. "How did this get out?"

Some gossip site told the public about me being sick

"I don't know." Aaron says. "But we're looking into it."

"I'll get to the bottom of this." I say then call the gossip site and put the phone on speaker. "Someone record this so they can't spin it."

"Us Weekly how can I help you?"

"You can connect me to your editor-in-chief." I say. "If you want to keep your job I suggest you do as told."

"Hold on one moment..........Jennifer Peros how can I help you?"

"Hi this is Astrid O'Hara"

"How can I help you?"

"You need to take down your story and reveal your source to me or you can expect a lawsuit on your desk in an hour."

"Now why would I do that?""

"Well you're violating HIPAA and doctor patient confidentiality so if you want to keep your job and keep the company then I'd do as I say."

"We'll do it in the morning."

"Or now." I say then look at the clock. "It's 4:30 and you have till 4:31 to retract your story or you'll be hearing from my lawyer and I'll take you for everything your worth."

"....It's down." The woman says so I look at the team and few of them nod telling me it's down.

"Good...now who's your source?"

"Sara Jones, she's a nurse at the hospital you were seen at."


"Thank you...Next time you have information like this think with your head and your heart. Not your wallet." I say then hang up.

"I'll call the hospital." Dawn angrily says and walks away.

"I need to make a statement don't I?" I question.

"Unfortunately." Aaron says. "You can do it however you like."

"Okay." I say and take out my phone and open the camera.

I then scroll to the video option and hit record.

"Hey Everyone." I say with a sad smile. "So I just wanted to set the record straight on a few things. First off...Yes it is true. I do have cancer..."

I take deep, shaky, breath then look at Tobin

"It's okay." Tobin whispers. "Just take your time."

I nod then look back at my phone.

"So yeah...I've got cancer...again...they think they got it early enough so I'm having surgery in the morning to remove it which will leave me on the sidelines for four weeks. Also my spine is fine." I say then bitterly chuckle. "This has been one fucked up week."

Kelley comes over and sits next to me then leans her head on my shoulder.

I look up at Jill who nods then I look at Tobin who also nods.

"Lastly...this is my last season for club and country." I say. "I will be retiring at the end of the season....um that's really all I have to say about that."

I stop the recording then post it to twitter and instagram.

"What a day." I mumble then look at my teammates. "Sorry about that little show...I was a bit pissed."

"I think you have a right to be." Ash says.

"I'm hungry." I say.

"Same." Kelley says.

"I say we order a bunch of pizza's." Dawn says causing everyone to look at her funny.

"Who are you and what have you done with Dawn?" Emily asks.

"Shut up before she changes her mind." Mal says then she sits on my lap.

"Hi Mal Pal." I say.

"You're gonna be okay right?" Mal asks causing the whole room to get silent.

"I don't know Mal." I admit. "I hope so, but right now...I don't know."

"You're gonna be okay." Mal definitively says.

"Carli, Becky, Ash, Ali, and Astrid can you go get the pizza." Jill says with a look that says do as your told.

"Sure?" Becky says as I'm handed keys to the rental.

The five of us head to the rental and get in, but before I start the car I turn and look at everyone.

"I have something I need to talk to you four about that has to stay between us."

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