Chapter 17 - Aria

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I wish I could say I'm finally home-free from these idiots but all three of us are going to Boston University. It was a total coincidence that we'd all applied and been accepted there and we later officially decided we'd keep the gang together. After convocation we're going to hit up an after party that a senior is hosting for all future Boston University freshman from different schools so we have a chance to meet new people.

More names are called out as the ceremony continues but I hardly pay attention, waiting for the only person other than my brother that I actually care about in this place. I know where he is in the alphabetical list of all the seniors so I'm on my feet before Principal Rowland even says anything.

"Asher Choi Pryce."

"Yes!" I jump up and down, cheering through my cupped mouth. I put my arms are in the air and wave them wildly. "You did it, Ashes!"

Asher walks across the stage with his usual straight and uncaring face. Despite the big moment, his mouth is turned down in an always-there-scowl and he seems entirely bored of the entire thing. He formally shakes all of the teachers' hands and takes his diploma, glancing at the crowd. His eyes flick back and forth over all of the heads of our fellow classmates until they land on me, finding me.

And then he grins.

A rare, unfiltered, and wide smile that reveals his teeth and even the deep-seated dimple on his left cheek. His eyes crinkle at the corners just a moment before he winks at me, his mouth expanding wider than it's ever been. An almost comical hush falls over the seniors as everyone gapes at him and what has to be the first time they've ever seen Asher truly smile and drop his guard.

And he did it for me. To me. In a room full of people where he could have smiled at anyone at all. Just me.

The moment doesn't last more than a few seconds but it seems to stretch out infinitely as I grin back and blow him a kiss. In my peripheral I can see heads turn back and forth to watch our exchange but I zone them out. They don't understand what we have. No one does. But that's okay because we understand each other and that's all that matters.

"Unbelievable." Lisa chuckles from beside me when we break our stare as Asher descends from the stage.

"What?" I turn to her.

"I always knew you could never stay friends." Her smile is cocky. She's been saying that since her and I met in middle school.

"But we are friends." I remind her, confused.

"Oh, Aria." She slings an arm around my shoulder. "There's nothing friendly about what the two of you have and everyone in this school knows it. You two are so in love with each other."

"What?" Incredulous laughter sputters out of my throat. "Lisa, come on. Of course I love Asher but not like that."

She rolls her eyes with her grin still in place. "So hopeless."

I'm about to ask her what she means by that when I hear the girls from earlier whispering behind me again.

"If you get Nate then I get Asher. Who knew he could smile like that and look even hotter than he already is? I've got to get in his pants tonight."

My fingers curl into my palms and I resist the urge to turn around and tell them to shut up. Don't they do anything else to do besides plan who they're going to get into bed with? It's bad enough hearing pillow talk about my brother but Asher too? Except it's not gross like it is with Nate. It's just...infuriating. It makes me feel irrational because all I can think is that he was mine first. Not in a romantic way or anything. It's just always been like that. Asher has always been mine and I've always been his, haven't we?

Path To Realization (Fighter's Den, #4)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora