Chapter 5 - Territory

ابدأ من البداية

Ugh, I think I'd rather have that thing kill me. A slow death doesn't sound very appealing at all. No death would be preferrable, but if I have to choose I'd rather die fast and painless.

A very heavy thud, like a sack of bricks dropping to the floor, pulled me out of my mind and brought silence to the world. My mind races, which one? Eyeless Jack or the creature?

It's silence outside grows deafeningly heavy. There isn't even the sound of trees shifting in the wind anymore.

Please. Please tell me that Eyeless Jack won, not the other thing! Please tell me I'm not alone in here!

As I'm reeling with the new silence, something catches my attention. I can hear something crawling through my window.

Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him. Please be Him.

The sound sends me into a fit of sheer panic. My breathing is not mine to control anymore. It gets to the point where I'm not actually inhaling anything at all. I thrash against the mattress, trying to jump start my lungs to work. My body panics as it struggles for air. I grasp at my chest and mouth, desperately begging them to start working again. While my lungs burn with fear, tears stream down my cheeks.

I can't breathe!

I sob, unable to actually voice my distress.

A hand clasps itself over my mouth and my eyes fly open.

Please be Him!!

Instead of seeing a grotesque face or a hungry animal, I see blue. Deep, saturated blue. For the first time, I feel comforted by this color, by this mask.

Oh thank god it is him! Relief washes over me.

Eyeless Jack's jacket is ripped a little, but other than that he seems fine. I, however, am not. My chest is in agony and I'm struggling to take in any air at all. I lift my eyes to Eyeless Jack and try to tell him I'm having an asthma attack, but it's no use. I can't even breathe, let alone speak. My hands fly up to my throat, clawing at my lungs through my shirt, to try and signal to him what's happening.

He grabs me by the shoulders and helps me sit up. He's so gentle about it as he helps adjust me into a better position, the difference being nearly instantaneous. My chest already feels looser.

As I remember the countless tips Doctors gave me throughout the years, I begin taking longer, deeper breaths in a hurried attempt to regain a regular breathing pattern. The filthy, stuffy air isn't doing much to help me. But there's not much I can do about that right now. The best I can do is focus on breathing.

As I turn my attention to my breathing, I don't notice Eyeless Jack walking around to the spot behind me. My body reflexively flinches as he runs his hands up my shirt and glides underneath it, clasping the skin of my back.

His hands were freezing despite being constantly covered with gloves. It was like having two huge ice cubes held against my skin! I yelp at the temperature change while a sharp chill continuously runs up my spine. Like a stream of electricity from a car battery. I can't decide if I'm embarrassed to have his hands up my shirt or shocked by the cold.

FIREFLIES - Eyeless Jack X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن