Chapter 2 -Blindsided

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I woke up to a stinging pain in both my head and my right arm. I forced my eyelids to open, despite how heavy they were.

My vision was just a blurry mess. I couldn't focus on any of my fuzzy surroundings. It felt strange too, almost like there was a film coating my irises in order to keep things hard to see and out of focus.

I took a deep breath, which reminded me of my last moments before passing out. I jolt up from where I lay, only to find my arm catching on something. I turn my eyes down, but only see a blob of grayish blue wrapped around what I can only assume is my wrist. I began desperately bargaining with my eyes to focus on something, but it was futile.

So, my left hand is tied down, and my right arm has a sharp pain that is quickly changing into a feeling of numbness. I don't know where I am, and I can't see clearly.


Bright side: At least I'm not having an asthma attack anymore. I close my eyes and take in a steady breath to compose myself. If my eyes don't work, maybe my other senses will help. I focus in on each one as best I can, despite the confusion surrounding me.

Touch- I feel like I'm sitting on something that's supposed to be soft, but is now left deflated and uncomfortable. Something lumpy and uneven, with a few sharp parts that dig into my skin. An old mattress maybe?

Smell- I still smell pine. So, I'm close enough to trees to where I can smell them. There were pine trees on the campgrounds, so maybe I haven't been taken too far!

Sight- Borderline useless. Everything is still blurry and confusing. All I can make out is large blobs of color surrounding me. Walls, most likely. I guess I'm inside somewhere.

Taste- I decide licking something won't help me right now. My throat however, is very dry and very sore. Most likely from my screaming.

Sound- A door creaks open.

I pause.

My head shoots up like a dog on alert. I can vaguely make out a dark figure with a spot of gray in the middle. I try to scurry backwards, but my legs aren't responding either. They're filled with pins and needles, numb just like my arm but this time it's at least normal biology causing it.

My heart pounds in my chest, memories of my attacker at the campsite fills my mind. I swallow hard, trying to conjure up enough moisture in my throat to release a scream. I've seen the documentaries and true crime stories. The best way to get out of being kidnapped is to throw the biggest fit you can muster. Even pee yourself if you have to. Make yourself more trouble than you're worth in their eyes.

I make a move to start thrashing as hard as I could, but stop myself mid-motion as a realization comes to me. I've already been taken, so he's not gonna give me up now. Think, think, think; how do you survive after you're already in their custody?

Oh! That's right! Try to appeal to their humanity! If you make yourself seem like a person and not a victim, there's a slim chance you could get away. I just have to make myself so unthreatening that he lets his guard down! I can get out then!

"...Wh-" I pause, the sharp pain in my throat making me wince. I shake away the pain and try again, ignoring the stinging; "...Who are you?" I ask, slowly, reluctantly. My voice was scratchy and harsh, with an unsteady cracking in the middle. I'm grateful my sore throat is helping me add to this new timid persona I've decided to take on.

I mean, yeah I'm scared, obviously. But keeping a level head is what's gonna be best for me right now.

He, however, gives no answer.

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