Chapter 1 - Campgrounds

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When I woke the air was dry; as if all the moisture it once held was stolen away by the heavens above. Whisked away to the sky where it was being stored and collected so that a mighty storm could be released upon us once dusk faded.

I sat up, rubbing the crusties out of my eyes -which served to prove I had a successful night of sleep-. A rare occasion, seeing as I'm afflicted by the curse known as insomnia. I'm glad I brought my new medicine, otherwise I wouldn't have had such a wonderful night's rest.

I look around the tent I was supposed to be sharing with my friend. But of course, she isn't here. I doubt she even came into this tent last night. She was too busy flirting with her boyfriend all night. I'm fairly certain she stayed in his tent instead.

I'm just glad my pills kicked in before I could hear any of what they were doing.

Note to self: Next time you try to go on a cute trip your best friend and her boyfriend, invite either more or less people; or else it'll be the longest weekend of your life and you will be a third wheel the entire time.

He's great, don't get me wrong. They're both just way too mushy for me.

I stretch out my back and groggily slide out of my sleeping bag. Lazily, I drag myself to the front of the tent. I let my fingers fumble around for a bit before they catch the small zipper. The fabric made a very satisfying sound as I opened the makeshift door.

I poked my head out and looked out at my surroundings.

Blue skies and fluffy white cotton clouds felt like something of a memory upon facing the gloomy sky above. It was a deep, unsettling gray while the clouds were nearly black in color. It was eerily quiet in our little outcove.

Unnerving. That's the word. It felt unnerving. As if I'm the only person on earth at the moment to witness this.

Despite the creepy weather, I could still tell it was early in the morning. I've always had a horrible internal clock, meaning it was frightening in its accuracy.

My inability to sleep like normal people has, at the very least, made it easy for me to tell what ungodly time I find myself awake at. That's about the only good it does for me, though.

My body likes being awake in the mornings. I do not.

I crawled forward a bit before sitting with my legs crossed at the edge of my tent. I grabbed the pair of shoes I left just outside and groggily slid them on, not even caring about the lack of socks to go with them. Fully forgot to pack those. Oh well!

With a yawn I push myself onto my now covered feet. Finally upright, I took the chance to straighten out my back. For the first time in hours. It felt very nice to flex these tense muscles again.

Although I felt good, my body definitely wasn't the best after sleeping on little more than the hard ground last night. The sleeping bag didn't provide nearly as much cushion as I was expecting.

While I stood there, stretching my back and arms, there arose a cacophony of popping sounds coming from my various bones and joints. I let out a heavy groan at the feeling. It wasn't painful, of course. I was used to cracking my bones, this was just a bit more than I was expecting so early.

My eyes drifted over to the orange tent a foot away from me; the one my friend and her boyfriend are currently occupying.

I lift up my arm and take a look at the digital watch around my wrist. It told me that it was 3:20 AM. Yep, I was right. Early as hell.

It's probably gonna be a while before those two wake up. I've probably got until 10:00 AM at the earliest, knowing my friend and her sleep schedule. I may be an insomniac, but I've still got a better sleep schedule than she does.

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