Chapter 12 - The Waking World

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My eyes flickered about the darkness around me, trying to make out anything through the thick shadow. I can't see. It's cold and empty. It feels like so many things are missing and I've no chance of finding them again.

A voice calls out, one familiar that sends both an aching sadness and fluttering joy through my body. The hairs on my arms stand on end as a ripple of electric emotion rushes over my skin like a brisk wind, sending a shiver dancing over my body. The voice was loud and confident, the smile on her face forming her words into ones of happiness and affection. She called to me, using the nickname she gave me so many years ago.

My head snaps on a swivel to look behind, expecting to see her standing there. My eyes expected to see warm skin paired with gentle blonde hair, unruly and beautiful in it's chaos. She wasn't there. Nothing but the same creeping darkness surrounded me. I was alone. I've been alone a lot lately, it seems.

Her voice called for me again, and again I searched. Time after time her sweet song rang through the still and stagnant shadows around me, trying to reach out. But I couldn't see her, couldn't feel her. I called her name, but her voice didn't respond. I called out louder, screaming at the top of my lungs. I want her to hear me.

I'm right here! Just let my voice reach her one time. Just one time and I know she'd find me. I won't be alone anymore, please please just see me! Adiyiah, I'm right here!!

A massive crack of thunder cut my voice short. I look towards the sky, expecting to see rolling clouds and flashes of light cracking above me. I could hear it, but all my eyes could see was the same darkness. The same, unmoving, unchanging emptiness. Frustration overtook my sensibility and I shouted louder and louder, demanding something change.

Suddenly, a horrible chill rushed through me. A rolling wave of tremors crawled up my back like a stampede fleeing the storm. The shrill sound of metal over concrete stole my voice away from me. My breath vanished and everything froze. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, drowning out everything but the agonizing cry it made. I stood in silence, building up the courage to look at it when suddenly a burning pain lit up my chest. My eyes snapped down to the impact point. The consuming darkness was interrupted by a vibrant red.

My chest trembled, the piercing hot iron wasn't visible to the eyes, but my body knew all too well that it was there. I took in a deep breath, the scream building and building in my throat as everything that followed began to build. I opened my mouth to scream-

I jolt up, my back slick with sweat. My hand flies up to clutch at my chest as I wheeze and cough, unable to catch the air I need. This awful sharp pain shoots through my torso as a result of my quick movements and I yelp like a wounded animal. I grit my teeth, trying to fight through the pain. I throw the blanket off of myself and instinctively reach towards the chair for my black bag, only to find that I'm no longer in the room I've come to know. I frantically jump out of the bed only to double over with a sharp pain stabbing my abdomen. I fall to my knees, clutching the horrible burning pain throughout my entire torso. I let out a cry, nearly wailing at the stabs of agony I have no way to soothe. I grip my stomach, hands frantically clutching for anything to lessen the ache. I pant hard, trying to bring in as much air as I could, despite knowing it wouldn't happen.

My eyes darted in a furious search around the room, desperate to find something that would help. Whether it be something for the pain, or something for my breathing, I didn't care. As long as I didn't have to deal with both of these at the same time I'd be fine.

A glimpse of something familiar pulls my focus to a little nightstand a few inches away from me. There it is, propped against one of the well lacquered legs was my bag. I snatch it up in one motion and immediately throw out anything that isn't vaguely inhaler shaped. Little objects scatter around me like leaves in the fall as I toss them aside.

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