"Ah! My boy! I hope you've enjoyed your little break, but it's time to get started on the sequel! We have a meeting set up for Monday to go through everything and we will go through the first script reading. Sound good?"

"Yeah, Tim, that sounds great. I'll see you Monday."

"Have a good weekend kid!"

As soon as the call ended, Wooyoung tried calling San back but he didn't get an answer. Maybe he was checking on Lila. Although he had sounded rather upset when he got cut off again... But neither time had been Wooyoung's fault.

Then he started to think about the deeper meaning behind San's words.

He was worried Lila wouldn't be able to handle Wooyoung's life as an actor.

It made sense... When he was filming he had very little time to himself, let alone enough time to keep up a secret relationship.

And it wasn't fair to Lila to keep her hidden. Maybe... Maybe this wasn't going to work.





Lila was true to her pattern and ended up sleeping most of the weekend, only waking to eat and go to the bathroom.

San stayed with her the entire time, keeping himself busy by sketching hairstyles and makeup ideas for his next movie.

She texted back and forth with Wooyoung only a couple of times, each once being a quick update on how she was doing. But she never stayed awake long enough to hold a full conversation. He seemed to understand, but she still felt a little guilty.

No, it wasn't because of that. She felt guilty because of the pain she must be causing him right now with how worried he was.

She had never intended to hurt him.

Why did she have to be like this...?

Lila shook her head and crawled out of bed to start getting ready for work now that her long weekend was over. She should be feeling refreshed and ready for the day, but in all reality she still felt exhausted.

Hopefully today would go by quickly and she could come back here.

As she walked into her living room, she noticed San was already up and working. "Hey."

He looked up and beamed. "Hey! Look at you! Are you ready for work?" He stood up and walked over to her to help her straighten her shirt.

"I suppose so. I still feel..."


Lila hummed and looked down.

San just pulled her into a quick hug. "Come on, I'll take you to work."

"You don't need to do that Sannie. You've done so much for me already. You should go home." She pulled away and went to get her bag.

"Now we both know you aren't in the right state of mind to be alone yet, so I'm not going anywhere. I actually wanted to talk to you about moving in with me."

Lila spun around and looked at his with wide eyes. "What?"

"Yeah, I figure that way we can both save money on rent, and then you don't have to be here all by yourself."

He didn't have to finish the thought for Lila to understand what he meant. He basically wanted to become her babysitter. While the thought angered her, she also couldn't blame him for feeling that way.

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