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As soon as his phone buzzed, San unlocked the screen and read the text from Yeosang. "They just finished the meeting. He said he will call me in a few minutes, once they are free from the crowd. He said it's crazy there too."

He glanced over at where Lila was just nodding while staring blankly at the screen.

This had better not set her back...

Everything had been so hectic the past few days, no one had had a chance to tell her about the article that had printed showcasing her apartment building. Thankfully no one knew who she was, otherwise she would have been mobbed coming out of work.

That would have been a worse surprise.

San picked at his lip absentmindedly as he tried to think about what to do. Her staying here was definitely more of an option now. Sure she was farther from work, but the buses still came out here. And he had enough money saved up that he didn't have to take any new jobs for a while.

Although Yeosang wanted him to come back to work on the sequel. The director had already agreed too... They wanted most of the staff to come back to try and keep the sequel as natural as possible.

He wasn't important enough to attend the meeting today, but he was expecting a call at some point to go over the filming schedule.

San sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Once filming started... Lila was going to be alone more than he wanted her to be.

Maybe he should turn down doing the movie... Yeosang would understand... Right?

When his phone buzzed again, San nearly dropped it out of surprise. "Hello?"

"Where are you guys?" Yeosang asked immediately. He sounded stressed.

"My condo. Lila is here too."

Yeosang sighed heavily. "Good. Wooyoung is being torn a new one by Roger right now about the article again. I don't know why, he doesn't know Woo snuck out the other day. Is Lila ok?"

San glanced over at her to find she was watching him. "Yeah, she was at work when they got there so I had to sneak in to pack some bags for her. I overheard them asking people if they'd seen Wooyoung around, but no one knew who they were talking about. So that's a plus."

"Yeah, it is." Yeosang said. Then he muffled the phone and said something to someone nearby. "Listen San, I have some bad news..."

The younger's heart dropped at the tone of Yeosang's voice. His thoughts immediately jumped to them breaking up, which was completely ridiculous because they weren't even dating. He didn't even know what they were right now... "What is it?" He choked out, trying to stay calm.

"They announced the location for the film. It's... It's going to be overseas."


San glanced at Lila again and bit his lip. "Ok. Thanks for letting me know. What are you two going to do now?"

"I have no idea. They've given us the week to get our things together, then we are supposed to fly out. If Wooyoung wasn't getting chewed out by Roger right now I'm sure he'd be flipping out right now. Although that could be why he's still arguing with him."

They sat in silence for a long moment. "How long do they expect things to go?"

"Supposedly only a couple of months depending on how smoothly things go. But you know how movies can go. It looks like Wooyoung just broke off from Roger. Send me your address, I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to try and come by."

"Ok. I will." San said, chewing on his lip. This was going to be complicated.

When he hung up the phone, he turned to Lila. "What's going on?" She asked.

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