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Wooyoung managed to make it back to his apartment without getting caught, which was a relief because he really didn't want to deal with Roger right now.

His mind was focused only on what he had learned about Lila. How had he not noticed she was this way? Was he that oblivious?

He sighed and shook his head. "No, she's just that good at hiding it." He muttered to himself as he pulled out his phone to see Yeosang letting him know he got home ok.

Wooyoung went to his bed and sat on the edge of it as Lila's words started to flash in his mind. One of the hardest things for him to hear was the fact that her mom told her she wished she had never been born...

That's something no child should ever have to hear from a parent.

In some ways, it made Wooyoung admire Lila even more. After everything she had been through growing up, she was still able to smile and seemed to be happy, mostly, with her life.

The entire time they had been dating, she always had the brightest smile on. And the way her eyes lit up...

Wooyoung sighed again and fell back on his bed. He wanted nothing more than to make sure she was the happiest person on earth. And really, he had felt that way ever since their first date at Hwa's.

He hoped she would open up to him more soon. The more he knew about her past, the more he thought he could help her future. Especially because there was something San had been about to tell them before they were interrupted by Nathaniel.

Wooyoung snorted when he thought about how pathetic the man sounded. Yeah, he had been eavesdropping. But he couldn't help it.

He could hear the desperation in his tone when he had asked Lila if he could stay with her, as well as how angry he sounded when he asked if San had stayed the night.

Then, as if he knew Wooyoung was thinking about him, San's name appeared on Wooyoung's phone. He answered it quickly and pressed it to his ear. "Hey San, is she ok?"

The older chuckled. "Yes, she's fine. She's still sleeping."

Wooyoung sighed with relief and closed his eyes. "Good."

"You really care for her, don't you?" San asked quietly.

"I do, San." Wooyoung's voice was just as soft. "Are you ok with that?"

"I'm going to be honest with you. Don't take this the wrong way, because I'm happy for the two of you. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried."

Wooyoung felt his heart drop at the harshness of San's tone and sat up.

"I'm worried about what will happen when you have to leave for long periods of a time for filming. I'm worried about what will run through her mind when she sees you and Rachel together in interviews. You haven't seen her at her worst yet."

"I know..." Wooyoung whispered, resting his head in his hand as he leaned on his knees.

"No, you don't. The thing I didn't get to tell you earlier, do you still want to know?"

"Of course."

San sighed. "Our senior year of high school, Li-"

Wooyoung's phone started buzzing, cutting San off in the middle of his sentence. He growled and pulled the phone away to look at the screen. "Dammit... It's the director."

"Take it. I'll talk to you later." San said coldly and hung up.

"Great timing..." Wooyoung groaned before pressing answer. "This is Wooyoung."

Chance Meeting ||| Wooyoung (Ateez)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon