He stares at me in complete and utter shock

"Impossible" he whispers

"What's the meaning of this?" His mate speaks up "Guards throw them out!"

I wave my hand with a flick of my wrist and the door shuts closed

I've been practising my powers with Tyson and I've made tremendous breakthroughs

"I'd shut up if I were you lady" I sneer at her "You're in enough trouble already just sitting in a throne that isn't yours"

She looks at me in utter shock

"Excuse me?!" She screeches "Just who do you think you are?"

Before anything can go any further Xaviers uncle attacks Xavier

He lunges at him and tries to bite down on Xaviers arm

Xavier throws him off and he lands onto the opposite wall.

After that all hell pretty much breaks loose.

Seeing as I lost concentration the hold on the door weakened and guards come barreling in.

Our pack warriors attack the royal guards and a mini war breaks out

"ENOUGH!!" Xavier booms catching everyone's attention

"No more senseless killing. You're all just doing your so called King's bidding. I'm going to need you as part of my army when I take the throne." He says. He turns to his uncle who's laying by the wall "Uncle, let's settle this the old fashioned way shall we? I Xavier Valiante, challenge you Arthur Buckingham for the title of Alpha King, in a battle to the death"

Arthur (which is such a clichè name by the way)  stands up from his heap on the floor and stares at Xavier.

"Fine Nephew." He says dusting himself off "As you wish"

We head out towards the training quarters. Seriously, this place is huge!

'It's the palace for the Royalty of the werewolves, genius' Accalia says in my head sarcastically

'Whatever' I respond rolling my eyes

When we get to the training grounds I see that Arthur is already changed into combat gear, when he did that I have no clue.

Before us stands a ring. Nothing fancy, it's just a huge slab of grey concrete that's a little raised from the grounds. When one Alpha wants to take over another Alphas pack, this is the easiest way to do it. Challenge the Alpha to death. Whoever wins, keeps the pack and becomes Alpha. The more difficult way is war, but that's more.... Gruesome.

Xavier walks up to the ring but stops before stepping foot on it. He suddenly turns and looks right at me

Xavier isn't a man of many words, so when he speaks people tend to pay attention.

He walks up to me and stops right in front of me. He puts his hand on my cheek and stares deeply into my eyes, as if assuring me

"I'll be back, my Queen" he says softly

"I know" I respond "I don't expect this to last long, your uncle looks weak. I bet even I could take him"

"I have no doubt about that my warrior" he says and I see his lips tug up a little in almost a... Smile?

I almost called him out on it but now's not the time

'Remind me later' I tell Accalia

'You got it' she responds

Alpha ValianteΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα