Taaaaaaagged again lol

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1. Tell 5 things about yourself

1. I'm actually really short like 5'1.

2. I'm allergic to a certain wool.

3. I used to have blueish purple eyes but there gone now (ripi now I have brown lol)

4. I get nightmares a lot and that's what inspires some of my story's that are still drafts.

5. I like spiders haha

2. Favorite TV show?

Avatar The Last Airbender

3. Favorite candy?


4. Favorite Cake and Icecream flavor.

Cake: Banana cake

Icecream: Rasberry or lemon

5. Iphone or Samsung/android

I have a Samsung but I would prefer Iphone

No offence guys haha you can like samsung

6. What country do you live in?

Germany. I was born in America though.

7. Cheese or no cheese?


8. Are you tired?

I'm tired 24/7

9. What language/s do you speak?

German, English and I'm learning French in school.

10. Favorite Color/s?

Black, white, yellow and sky blue.

I swear to god white is a color don't tell me it isn't guys istg.

11. What are your hobbies?

I like exploring stuff with a friend of mine and mostly writing and sleeping.

Tag 13 people


Dunno who else to do haha.

Some were tagged last time too, but I don't care

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