The Okiku Doll (paranormal)

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So this is my first paranormal case and I hope you like it.

Btw Okiku is beautiful as fuck okay for a hundered year old doll.


The Okiku Doll is names after it's owner and origiantes from Hokkaido, Japan, which can be found inside Mannenji Temple in Iwamiawa since 1938

Okiku is said to be have purchased in 1918 by a 17-year-old boy named Eikichi Suzuki when he was visiting Sapporo for a marine exhibition. He bought Okiku on Tanuki-koji, Sapporo's famous shopping market.

Okiku was a gift to Suzuki's 2-year-old sister.

Suzuki's sister loved Okiku and always played with her.

But she died tragically of a high fever the next year.

Thr family put their daughters most loved items to be burned with her, but forgot about Okiku.

They decided to place Okiku with their daughters ashes.

Soon the family realized that the hair of Okiku kept growing.

A scientific test later showed that the hair is actually the one of a human.

The family believes that the spirit of their daughter lives in Okiku and that is why the hair is human.

To this day Okiku's hair keeps growing, but it's always being cut of.


Okay so I was going to write some stuff in Japanese, but I couldn't figure it out.

And my hand writing in japanese looks really ugly haha

And my hand writing in japanese looks really ugly haha

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I don't know I just don't like it that much.

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