Anneliese Michel (paranormal)

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I just wanna say that this case is highly disturbing and creepy. I show a video in here were you can see pictures of who I think is Anneliese (im not sure) and some disturbing pictures. If you can't see that then please don't read this chapter.

Anneliese Michel was born in the year 1952, in Baveria, Klingenberg, Germany.

In 1968 she experienced her first episode of passing out.

Later that night she felt as if something was pressing down on her chest, and she was struggeling to breath.

Her parents brought her to a doctor, who ran a brain scan (EEG). He found nothing wrong.

In 1969 she had one of those episodes again and a doctor diagnosed her with epelapsy and gave her a few medication for it.

Over the next years she had two more of those episodes, but the doctors found nothing wrong.

Until 1973, were things started making a turn to the paranormal.

Anneliese started smelling a scent of burned feces, wich family members would smell too.

She also saw demonic faces in her room and started hearing knocks.

And, more conserningly, she heard a voice daming her to hell.

Her mother also said that she saw her glaring at the virgin marie statue and her eyes went pitch black and her hands grew into "bear-like paws".

In 1975 Anneliese also started having inhuman strength. At one point she threw her sister like a rag doll and she also destroyed and apple with one hand until it exploded.

When they went to the doctor again he told them to go to a priest. This claim the doctor would later deny.

When they went there the priest was sure she was possesed and soon they performed an exorcism on her.

In the exorcism tape (which the priest allowed to have recorded) you can hear Anneliese, scream, yell, growl, and the tape is very disturbing.

42 exorcism recording were made in total.

Anneliese started eaing flies, spiders, and even licked her own urine off of the floor.

In 1976, in May, Anneliese started beating herself up. Scratching, beating, and punching herself. She also banged her head against walls.

It got to the point where her parents had to tie her to a chair to prevent her from doing it.

After a few months Anneliese refused to eat. She described it as, "not being permitted to eat." Even when her parents tried to force feed her she still refused to eat.

Even with her skinny figur she still possesed inhuman strength and could still throw her sister like she was a doll.

By now she was unrecognizble. Her face being caved in and her having multible bruises on her body and face.

In her last exorcism she only said , " please," and , " absulation...".

On July 1st, 1976, the morning after her last exorcism she died because of starvation, at age 23 she weight 68 pounds.

She had 67 exorcism.

True Crime, Disappearences And Paranormal CasesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora