Walter Collins (unsolved)

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Walter Collins was born on the of September, 1918.

Ob March 10, 1928, when he was about 9 years old, he went to go to the movies with friends, but he never returned home.

One suspicious thing was that his mother only reported him missing 5 days later.

His mother worked at a telephone company most of the time, but it was still suspicious of her not to report him missing more early.

Some reported sightings of him was from a women who appearently saw him walking with a man.

A other weird sighting is from a man at the gas station. He said that Walter's body, except the head, was wraped in news paper.

That would be the last clue for five more months until a boy claiming he was Walter Collins was found at a Gas station.

He stayed with Christine Collins (Walters mom) for three weeks until she noticed that this wasn't her son.

She brought the boy to the LAPD and said that this boy was not her son. However the LAPD insisted that this was her son and said that his dog recognized him.

After that the policeman J. J. Jones,  who investigated the case, put her into a mental hospital.

While she was in there the boy confessed that he indeed wasn't Walter Collins.

He was actually 12 year old Arthur Hutchins. A runaway.

His explanation to why he ran away was that after his mom and died and when he was living with his step mother and dad he saw a movie with a cowboy actor from Hollywood and that is why he wanted to go there.

Christine was released from the mental hospital and then sued the LAPD.

The LAPD then fired J. J. Jones, but later on got him back.

Christine gave him a bill of around 10,800€ but Jones never paid her.

For now Walter Collins was still missing and no clue were he was.

The Theories

Theorie #1

The first theorie was made by Walter Collins' father.

Mr.  Collins was serving prison at the time of Walter's disappearence.

He served in the Cafeteria and through that he made a lot of enemies in prison.

He believes that some of his past prison mates might have kidnapped his son for revenge.

Theorie #2

This theorie is probably the one that is more likely.

Out of the side of LA a man named Gordon Steward Northcott, who owned a chicken farm there.

He drove all the way to Canada to get his sister son because he, "needed help for the farm."

From there on it gets very brutal.

With his sisters son there he would rape him. He also physially, emotionaly and sexually abused him.

Northcott would also kidnap other boys then proceed to rape them and kill them.

One day his sister came over and he told his sister everything.

His sister then told his mom, but his sister called the police.

Once the police caught him and his mother after they tried to flee thy gave Northcott photos from every miss

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