Part 1: An actual encounter

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He sometimes really hated earth. Even though he was Laxus the great and powerful king of Gods, he couldn't stop a storm out of the blue. That would raise suspicions in the mortal world, not that he cared too much but Mira (Hera) was very angry the last time he did it... and everyone knows that is better to be in the good side of the Gods's queen. So he ended up finding shelter in a cozy and familiar cafe, that for Laxus's bad luck was completely full- Gret!- he grumped under his breath.

-You can sit with me, it doesn't bother me at all- he heard a female voice suggesting near him. The Thunder God turned around to see the owner of the most melodious voice he had ever heard. It was gentle but firm, innocent nevertheless luring, sweet and dulcet. The voice was far better than any of the muses's or even his son Bickslow... and her beauty wasn't far away. The girl looked as if she was sixteen years old, she had long wavy sky-blue hair and had blue eyes as deep as the sea, which shone warmly giving you the feeling that you were welcomed. On the other hand, her pale as snow skin and her straight posture, gives you the sensation that you were talking with a queen and you had to treat her with respect moreover admiration.

To say that the Gods's king was stunned by the gorgeous woman was an understatement, it had been a long time since he had last seen a mortal as beautiful as her. But he wouldn't be caught gazing as a fool, so after a few seconds he sat in the chair across the adolescent's- Thanks- he began with a flirty smile- My name is Laxus, what's your's babe?

When a smile appeared in her face the Thunder God thought that he had won however, that feeling changed when he noticed that her thin lips formed a small smile colder than ice- You better stop with your miserable attempts of flirting, cause i was kind enough to offer you a place to sit even though i am busy with my Greece project for school- once more Laxus was in a state of surprise thanks to this strange girl- Another thing my name isn't babe, it is Nix.

-As snow in Latin- thought out loud Laxus, receiving a small nod of an impressed Nix- You said that your project is from Greece?- he received another nod but this one confused- Then let me pay you for your kindness, i am a professional about this theme.

-Really?!- exclaimed Nix. The Gods's king thought that she looked more beautiful when her eyes sparkled in gaiety.

-Yes, i do- smiled mischievously the Thunder God and was glad that Nix didn't noticed it- What is it about? Culture? Music? Literature? Name it and i'll answer you- he stated confidently but frowned when the adolescent giggled.

-Your name is the answer, Laxus- she answered confusing him even more- My topic is mythology- she smiled amused at his wide open eyes- I know that normally people at my age doesn't care about this kind of stuff, what i'm saying?! Almost no one cares about this topic- she huffed exasperated and frustrated, gaining all the attention of the God. He stopped gazing at her body or thinking of how to get her laid... he began, for the first time in his life, to listen to someone- But i'm fascinated by it! I love to read all the myths i can find... you mention one and i can tell you all the different versions that ever existed in this world! It's amazing to see how people tried to find ways to understand what was going in the world. And who knows maybe they weren't wrong?- she ended up in a whisper, that Laxus only heard thanks to his Godly senses. "She believes in us?!" the Thunder God's jaw dropped, he never met someone, of the last centuries and that wasn't crazy, that really thought from the bottom of their hearts that we are real. He heard her say maybe but by the way she talked and that warm gaze, despite her cold aura, showed another thing. Now Laxus was truly curious of this girl... he wanted to get to know her secrets. "How was it possible to be so welcoming but at the same time cold?" he questioned himself. Suddenly Nix opened her eyes wide open in shock, as if she had just noticed what she was saying- I'm really sorry! I get carried away too easily! Surely i am boring you with all this...

-Not at all- interrupted Laxus with a serious expression while his mind was working all those knew emotions that he was experimenting for the first time- As i said before i am an expert on the topic so i am that would end up boring you- he finally said after a few minutes of comfortable silence and staring at each other not knowing what to do- Let me see how far you are- the king of Gods demanded to then grab the papers that Nix gave him- This is good, quite good for a sixteen years old girl.

-How did you know?- she asked him surprised.

-Well, it looks like you wanted to resume a lot of myths in a simple report. If you want to let people know about all those myths you've got to at least split them in two different projects- he began to explain but when he was about to give her a few advises she cut him off.

-I meant, how did you know my age?- she crooked an eyebrow suspiciously.

-Ah! That, well i only guessed- he smirked down at her and continued from where he was interrupted.

They stayed like that for all night, even though rain had stopped a couple of hours ago they stayed inside the cozy cafe until noon. Sitting next to each other with a cup of hot chocolate (Nix's idea) and enjoying the presence of the other- I think it''s time for me to get back- Nix said, Laxus was able to hear a bit of disappointment in her voice... but he didn't point it out cause he was having the same feeling.

-Let me walk you home- the God offered to the mortal but she rejected the invitation, and thanked him for his help before leaving the cafe- What's wrong with me?- he muttered under his breath as he entered the Olympus. Even though Nix had offended and criticized him, he didn't take them as an offence... he took them as a constructive criticism. He the great and powerful king of Gods was listening to a mere mortal when never in his long life he had listened someone! On the other hand she also praised him, which made him happy for a strange reason... Also in all the hours he had spent with her, he never wanted to get her laid... well he did but that wasn't the principle impulse. He just wanted to be with her, hear to her sassy and intelligent comments, see that spark of joy pass through her eyes, discovering knew things by those small clues she let slip from time to time- I really need to get some rest... maybe in the morning i would think clearly.

With that said he went to bed. For the next week he continued visiting the same cafe at the same time each afternoon but he never saw her again... until the eighth day in which he decided he had enough of acting as a fool- Laxus!- the Thunder God heard the same voice he craved to hear the last seven days. Out of the blue he had two arms wrapped around his waist and a face buried on his shirt- Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've got a perfect punctuation as well as the teacher liked it so much that he asked me to do another essay about myths for me to present in front of all high-school... so i was asking myself if you could help me again?- she looked up at him with such adorable eyes, full with so much gratitude and embarrassment, that Laxus couldn't refuse to her.

However, he noticed something that afternoon, her aura wasn't the only thing cold... her body was as cold as ice. She should be dead thanks to such a low body temperature but Nix was smiling and talking as if nothing was wrong...

An actual love {A love through time Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now