Part 9: An actual truth

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-What do you mean by she isn't dead?!- yelled, practically everybody, in disbelief.

Cana, Levy and Bickslow shared a guilty gaze, which didn't go unnoticed by Gajeel whose heart clenched in pain. "So i will finally know what is the truth they so much didn't want me to discover" thought the Underworld's God- First of all we did never trap the Roman Goddess of Winter inside a new born baby- began the Goddess of Spring- We only casted a spell that would turn her into mortal as long as we thought it would be necessary.

-Which means...- began Laxus as his eyes opened widly at he realize what was going on.

-Yes, you fell in love with NIx who is a Goddess- said The underworld's Queen- The only thing that died tonight was her mortal body but she still is alive cause Gods and Goddesses can not be killed.

 The rain suddenly stopped pouring, thunders ceased, and the sun shone as bright as it could cause there was no cloud in the sky- She is alive- the King of Gods murmured  relieve and very happy. Freed, Evergreen, Elfman and Mirajane sighed and cheered at the good news that were receiving. However, the five of them turned serious seeing the grim expression on Levy's, Bickslow's and Cana's face.

-All this was my fault- admitted the Goddess of Wine, stepping in front- It all started when Levy and Bickslow caught their beloved ones having sex- Gajeel and Lucy winced at the memory, the Harvest's Goddess regretted everything direly... specially not being able to spend time with her daughter- I found them in Bickslow's temple, he was comforting a heart-broken Levy but in his eyes he was as bad as her... so i thought 'Those two cheaters need to  pay'- she gulped hard under the glare of Gajeel- Thus i gave them a special wine that would make them horny as hell and the desire to have sex with the nearest living thing...- everything went quiet until the God of the Underworld decided to shout from the top of his lungs.

-You did what?!- his voice was sharp and full of hater as he pushed Cana against a wall, with all intentions of sending her to an eternity in Tartar.

-Enough!- demanded Laxus and everyone did as he ordered. They had never seen him so... uneasy. After all, he wanted to know why was his Endless Love being played- Continue with the story!

-The next morning i found myself nude on my bed with my little sister by my side, in no better shape than me- continued, this time the Sun's God. Gajeel would have began a duel by then but the sharp glare of his younger brother stopped him- Then i knew that all happened thanks to Cana's wine but when i tried to wake Levy up i had a premonition...

-I got pregnant with Nix- the Spring Goddess cut her brother off, gazing at her husband with a gaze full of regret. Not regret of having Nix, cause she was one of her best decisions ever, but for not telling him before.

On the other hand, Gajeel was shocked by everything that was going on. HIS Queen had a child with another one that wasn't him... Their children, Rogue and Wendy, had an older sister! He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

-We panicked- continued Cana- After all, we all know how Gajeel reacts if a male only looks a bit funny at his wife- everyone muttered states of accordance under their breaths, ignoring the deadly glares of the Underworld's King- We were afraid of what he might do if he finds out that Levy was expecting a child from another one that wasn't him!

Laxus tensed as he imagined what would have happened to his girlfriend if his brother had found her before him- Blood would have been shed- murmured the Thunder's God.

-Exactly!- exclaimed the Sun's God, happy that someone understood him- So we ran away and had her in secret, we raised her for twenty years until the day that my muses found us and told us that our betrayal was build by no other than Lucy- a lot of glares were directed towards the Goddess of Harvest- It broke our hearts to leave Nix but we missed our beloved ones a lot. However, we still visited her a lot and we promised that we would tell our couples the truth when we thought that it was the right moment... but then Gajeel needed to see red thinking that Levy and i held an affair, almost starting a War of Gods- they all shivered in fear at the memory of a really angry God of the Underworld- However, at that moment i knew one thing... Gajeel would never accept Nix. He would do anything to make her suffer and bring her despair... i couldn't bring myself to watch my dear daughter suffer, so i forced Levy to keep her mouth shut up.

-Are you afraid of me?- Gajeel asked his wife, voice soaked in sorrow. He never intended that she would fear him, he only tried to keep her to himself. Cause he knew that there were better Gods out there and he didn't want her to know about them.

-I just didn't want to see my daughter suffer- answer, almost in a whisper, Levy as she gaze anywhere but her husband.

-I already met her- announced the Underworld's God, making everyone held their breaths.

-You better not...

-Relax i didn't know who she was then- Gajeel cut off, Laxus's and Bickslow's threat- It was two days ago, Lisanna and i were looking for the bitch that helped MY Queen to escape me- the black haired God ignored the 'Watch it!' from the other two over protective Gods- But we didn't found her so we entered the library that she runs and met her... at that moment i thought of how similar she was to you but scolded myself of comparing My Queen with a mere mortal.

-So you won't hate her?- asked Levy hopefully.

-How would i hurt something that came from you?- inquired back Gajeel while leaning down to kiss his wife- I love you MY Queen and sorry for scaring you-he murmured in her ear while hugging her.

-Don't worry- whispered back the Spring Goddess as she returned the hug.

-There still one question unasked- Freed decided to break the lovely moment with a severe tone of voice- Where is Nix right now?

-That's easy...- began Levy but Bickslow finished the phrase for her.

-she is in her castle...

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