"Sorry." I say softly. I felt my heart pound inside my chest. Can he hear it?

Uriel didn't say anything and so when I turned to look at him out of curiosity, he was just looking at me.

I felt my cheeks get hotter. He was staring at me like he did the other day before he tried to kiss me. His eyes did a thing where they made me melt and left him in control.

And I was deathly afraid he knew that.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." Uriel broke the silence. "It wasn't like me."

I frowned. This is what he was gonna say? "Okay." I said, still not looking at him. "Let's just be cool."

Uriel chuckled. "What?" I looked at him. "Too much heat?" He smirked and the air felt lighter.

I smiled. Maybe it's all good now? Maybe we can go back to being clowns and bickering all the time? Even though I knew we could really never go back to how we were because of how we felt about each other deep down.

I turned to him, excited that he didn't take it the wrong way. "Stop being stupid." I laughed.

"Okay," he got up and stretched out his arms. "Since the project has been completed I'm going home."

"Okay." I nodded. "See you tomorrow."



I saw Murad sitting next to his friends smiling. It was weird and bittersweet. Like I wanted him to smile but with me. To smile at me like he always used to.

"What are you gawking at?" Wafa said as she stuffed food down her throat.

I shifted my eyes to her quickly. "Nothing." I sighed. My chest felt empty. What was next? To seriously marry Ahmed?

My stomach turned.

I hated him.

Just as the thoughts crossed my mind Ahmed plopped himself in front of us blocking my view of Murad.

I wanted to punch him in the face.

"You look so pretty today?" He smiled.

I glared at him with my messy hair and not an ounce of makeup on my face. I looked like shit. "I look gorgeous everyday." I flatly said and got up.

"Where are you going?" Wafa looked at me.

"I have to go see the student councilor." I lied. "I'll see you around."

What I was gonna do is formulate a plan. No way was I gonna stick to my dads shitty plan for me.

Wafa ran after me anyways. "What are you really gonna do?"

"Nothing." I smiled.

She gasped. "Hana no."

I turned to look at her. How did she already know?

"You can't." She added. "Your dad will kill you."

"It's the only thing left Wafa." My heart pounded in my chest. Even though Murad no longer wanted chaos to happen. I still didn't want to marry Ahmed. "I'd rather die than marry Ahmed."

Wafa sighed. "Is my cousin that bad?"

"Duh." I looked at her. "And you know it."

She nodded. "Okay but listen. You can't say that you're pregnant with Murad kid." She shook me. "That's end game." She looked at me in the eyes . "You both will suffer if you lie."

"No I won't." I was being crazy? I don't know. All I knew was I was done. Done letting my dad and Ahmed control my future. I felt the environment around me spinning.

Wafa held me with her arms. She pulled me in with a hug. "Hana, relax." She softly said and I felt my throat close up. It was like she was holding me together.

"I will step in okay?" She said. "I will find a soloution."

"There is no way." My voice cracked.

She hugged me tighter. "There is always a way."

I sighed and cleared my throat. "Not with my dad." I pulled away from her hug. "But don't worry I won't do anything." I ignored her gaze.



I ran quickly across the huge lawn. I was frantic and sweaty. That stupid girl I call my best freind will be the death of me goddammit.

Finally I was at Murad's door. Since I didn't have his number, this was the only way to get his attention.

With adrenaline rushing through me, I knock the large white door that an elephant could fit through.

Finally for what seemed like forever, the door opened. "Where is Murad?" I asked the housekeeper as soon as she cracked the door open.

"He's upstai-"

I bolted up the stairs with all my speed and found him lounging lazily on the couch watching a movie on his big screen.

What a lair. Only thirty minutes ago he posted on twitter that he was ready to leave to a party. He looked like he wasn't even ready nor trying. He was in sweats and messy hair chucking popcorn into his mouth. He looked miserable.

"Murad!" I called and he shot up. His tall frame was very prominent.

His eyes widened, "Wafa?" He looked at me and then behind me but I guess he didn't see Hana with me. His face flattened and the surprise drained out of his face. "Uriel isn't here." He muttered and sat back down.

"Dummy!" I yelled and he turned around, frowning.

"What?" He wasn't too fond of me especially when he had found out I was Ahmed's cousin.

"Hana is about to ruin her life." I shouted.

Murad's facial expression changed immediately. "What are you talking about?"

"She is going to lie to her parents and say she pregnant with your child." I quickly said, forgetting to take a breath.

Murad's jaw fell. "You have got to be kidding me."

I shook my head. "I wish."

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