Ch 11. Intertwined

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"Do all you can to be the
best of yourself even
when all you want to do
is to make others hurt
the same way you have
been hurting."

Blood was dripping down your neck into the junction of your shoulder. Your head was still oozing blood from when Dwight threw you into the wall the day you arrived.

You're in a pitch dark room. There's no lighting besides the crack at the bottom of the door. They were playing the same aggravating song.

Has it even been a day? You don't know...

Daryl was in the room next to you. Though, you didn't get to see him at any time. It's like they'd forgotten about you. You'd rarely get anything to eat. You were left in the empty room- naked and exposed, for who knows how long.

Nobody has come to check on you yet. They were too busy listening to the stupid song on repeat.

You closed your eyes and rested your head on the cold ground.


You looked at your hands with the little light you had left. They were burned. A bright red decorated your palms and dried blood was stuck to your fingers.

They burned you.

After Negan gave you some raggedy clothes with the letter "A" on it, you attacked him when he started talking about your dead friends. The ones you still cried over every night. You were able to land a punch on his face before you were pulled back.

They pressed the iron to your hands. It wasn't hot enough to leave a permanent mark, but it still but like a bitch.


"Get up! I said get up!" Dwight jerked you up by the hair, causing an irritation in your skull.

"Where am I going?"

"Not supposed to tell you," He said, pulling you through the hall.

"I can fucking walk by myself." You pushed him off and started to follow behind him.

When he turned a corner you stopped. This was your chance to escape. He wasn't looking. He was too busy talking to one of the other Saviors.

You stepped back and when he didn't turn to check on you, you ran. You ran as fast as you could. The exits we're memorized in your head just in case you got the chance to make a quick escape.

Your bare feet slapped against the cold concrete. You kicked one of the lone Saviors and snatched the crowbar that was resting in their hands. Blood spurted out as you hit them in the skull and started to run again.

The exit was only a few more feet away. You grabbed the door and fling it open, slamming it shut again afterward and sticking the crowbar between the two handles so that they couldn't get you.

You turned around and let out a small scream. Daryl was there.

"(Y/N)," He whispered.

He pulled you into a tight hug, ignoring the fact that blood was dripping onto your shirt.

Your breathing was fast and uneven. You down at the floor; eyes glossy with unshed tears.

"You good?" He lifted your face.

"Yeah, just really tired."

He grabbed your arm and started to guide you to the motorcycle on the left. But of course, someone had to show up.

A large man stood in front of you with his hands up. He started to say something to Daryl as you carefully grabbed the crowbar from the door.

He wasn't able to finish whatever he was saying before you smashed his head in. You were able to hit him a couple more times before Daryl finally pulled you back into him.

"Let's go."

You nodded and looked at the dead body on the ground. The blood was dripping out everywhere. You dropped the crowbar onto the body and started to walk over to the bike.

Daryl was about to get on but you stopped him. "Wait a second."

He looked at you and started to get off the bike. You stopped him, putting your hands on his shoulders and leaning down so that your lips were firmly pressed against his. You felt him freeze up at the foreign touch.

You were about to pull away when his hands came crawling up to your waist. He deepened the kiss, standing so that you were now leaning upwards to reach his lips. Your hands clenched around his shirt. The affectionate moment ended when you started to hear loud steps getting closer.

You pulled away and went to grab the crowbar- putting it between the two handles again. You hopped onto the bike and put your arms around Daryl's middle.


Daryl was surprisingly holding your hand as the two of you walked throughout Hilltop. You didn't even notice when his finger intertwined with yours. His hands were rough but it felt nice, being able to get close to someone without being afraid of getting hurt.

Safe. You felt safe.

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