We started as FRIENDS

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Kirishima's POV

It was morning and like anyone else I woke up and checked my phone. There I see a message from Bakugou. Oh Bakugou such a manly man he is!!! I can't wait to see him at school today!! Wait why am I getting so happy? Whatever just let me see what he said.

Bakugou: Hey shitty hair,I won't be at school today. AND BEFORE YOU THINK ANYTHING IM NOT SICK I JUST WANNA GET AWAY FROM YOU LOSERS!!!!

He won't be here today...I was looking forward to see him today though... What are you thinking dude he's just your friend you'll see him tomorrow! But tomorrow is so far away!!!!

Bakugou's POV
I won't get to see his smile! Got DAMMIT!! He's not even your friend why are so upset!!! Ughhh!!!! *his phone dings and Kirishima had texted him back* I swear if you say anything about me being weak I'll kill you

Kirishima: It's cool dude guess I'll see you tomorrow! Also you don't have to be afraid to admit your sick, after all we all get sick!

Ughhhh I just told him I wasn't sick!!! How much of an idiot can he be?!?!?!

Narrator's POV

Really Bakugou was sick and had threw up early in the morning at 4:47 am and hadn't went back to sleep since. He was really tired and went to sleep finally at about 12:30pm when Kirishima was at lunch. Though everyone in class had noticed that Kirishima was a bit off during the whole day as he didn't have much energy during class "Hey? Why are you so upset today?" Mina asked concerned "Yea usually you would be trying to calm Bakugou down or something" Denki said. Kirishima hadn't heard them though,he was busy thinking about Bakugou. "Is he okay? Why would he only tell me? No one else knew he would be gone. What if he is hurt? I need to go over to his house after school!!" Kirishima had quietly said or at least thought he said quietly. Really he had been speaking out loud to where everyone could hear him. "Oh I see what it is!!!" Mina says with a giggle followed behind. "Looks like someone is worried about Bakugou!" Sero said with a smirk "Wha- oh uh yea I guess I am heh" Kirishima said embarrassed. Kirishima was thinking to himself though, "everyone is worried about their friends when they're not here right!" He thought. Really though Kirishima was just being a good future boyfriend, worrying about his future boyfriend, Bakugou.

Authors Note:

THIS IS MY FIRST STORY SOO IF ITS BAD YOU KNOW WHY!!! Really though I think this was a really good chapter! This chapter was basically Kirishima thinking of Bakugou in a boyfriend way just not knowing that he was! I'm really proud of this and I hope that y'all like it too! Anyways I'll try and make the next chapter by next week! Baiiiii

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