The Observer

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Alone in bed as daylight dims
Distance from see and feel will emancipate you
From the place wherein you dwell.
To think as little as you see
Grants liberation from limitation,
The freedom from and to believe

Come in, step inside
Embrace the freedom from your eyes
To forget to think
Will make you sink
And peer inside the window
By movement of soul and nothing more

It first treats you
To a view of a lake
A calm and gentle lake
And by scorning think and touch and feel
You then become that lake
A calm and gentle lake
Moved by earth and wind and more

A log suspended by the shore
Harbors plants of its ilk inside the bark
And welcomes bugs and creatures galore
Dragonflies and spiders and leeches and more
Surround this toppled tree that floats about the shore,
The tree whose peak points precisy to the sun;
Any implications derived from this are none

Resist the urge to think and to know
Repel the light that permeates the nihil
Refuse to believe that you're here to know
Without your eyes, believe and then belie

To transcend the window is to become the scene
Wherein your kind is few and far between
To sense the sparkling surface of the sunlit lake
Is to become the waves of water and light
Each speck of light as brief and bright as your soul
Every ripple of water as undisturbed as your nihil state

It is you, you are the lake, you are the world
Unfiltered by vision and reason and fiction and size
Until it's obstructed by two floating red eyes

These eyes are meek, these eyes are cruel
Your sense of being is their only fuel
Their persistent and pestilent presence
Insults your luminescent essence

So you keep from being, keep from being
But those eyes remain there
They hover and they stare
They align and they know and they stare
They stare and they stare and they stare

They know and they see that you're there
You know and you see, too, that they're there
Like a reflection of eyes peering at themselves
Less like a window and more like a mirror
So which is the real and which is the doppel?

Neither alone are real, not here in the nihil
But with one comes the other,
The advent of a sickly bond
Between to be and not to be
And with this you crack a smile
For with the gracious gift of man
You become petulant, knowing and vile

The lake drains below like a wasted piece of art
And light fills your room as the nihil fades away
The walls of your bedroom show a fresh new start
For rested eyes, now awake and aware
That believe and they surely belie
And they stare
And they stare
And they stare

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