Feeling's Mutual

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I mind my time
In the effect of a rhyme
Slow waters meeting
New season's greetings
(It's time, get moving)

I bide my time
In the comfort of my grime
New sunset tells me
It's not that easy
(It's time, get moving)
Bide my time, all the while

May this be all that we're meant for
Softly spoken, sordid solutions
But we find a way
We find our way out

If it's all that we're good for
May then we feed the torpor
But we find our way
We find a way in

I knew I could change
When I decided I wanted to be you
Just a little bit

I knew I could change
When I discovered that I could become you
Just a little bit

Our addictions aside
Our lives are intertwined
Some grace that binds the minds
Reminds that we are free
So eternally, overwhelmingly
Horrifyingly free

The time is near
Have no fear
I know it feels like the end each time
And it all starts again
Just hold on, my dear
Have no fear

The end is near

I knew I could change
When I saw what it took for you
The entire earth and more

I knew I could change
When I gleamed all that I could do
Travel the world and more

I knew one thing for sure
That my time spent here
Was more than you thought I could bear
And the feeling's mutual

I saw you get there first, of course
I thought you believed in me,
Looking back through the finish line
Seeing me pour my sweat and blood, heaving through collapsed lungs
And crawling on atrophied legs and scab-ridden skin
I don't know why,
But the feeling's mutual

I knew I could change
When I decided I wanted to be you
And to do what it takes
I knew I could, too

I knew I could change
When I'm reminded of all that we've been through
Our time here is precious
I won't waste away, no longer

I knew we were the same
When I glimpsed the golden thread
Beneath it all, we are one and the same
Supremely kindred
I know you know,
The feeling's mutual
And I can change too, you know

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