The Flock

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The struggle for autonomy has led us astray
'Til we were slaves of our very nature
No wonder we were so impatient
I think I'll leave it as is

Let this river run forth
Allow us to surrender to the flock
Allow ourselves just a moment, a lifetime, of peace

The way of mass is carried
Through will of collective soul
The spiritual truth we can't deny
That we are part of every whole

As the flock aflight,
We follow the will's greater sight
As we meld into one,
Our egos come undone

The water returns to ocean
And feather returns to sun
The faithful will of leader
Has failed and come undone

Now that the river has run dry
We shed our tears and blood to revive
The river's endearing flow

Let this river run forth
Allow us to surrender to the flock
Hope and prey for just a moment, a lifetime, of peace

As water returns to ocean,
The feather returns to sun
The faithful will of order
Has always come undone

I remember as before
The willingness to burn
For the will of the flock
And our egos left to churn

The times I fail to remember
The times we've failed ourselves
I will not burn again
Not for another mass of selves

Let the river run dry
Leave the flock behind

With respect we cross our paths
Displays of crude agôn
Through spouts of curse and quarrel
Holding true to base ideal

Though we are torn of feather,
We still pity the flock
The thoughtless greater body
Guided by unconscious anguish

Though we have abandoned the flock,
We suffer nonetheless
The flock suffers together
But we suffer with pride

We have abandoned the flock to suffer
Of our will's own accord
For we suffer with pride
Yet the flock suffers together

With distant eyes, I watch their reprise
As the flock, from a distance, forms a symbol
And will guide my resolve, individually

As the symbol runs by
I see the path to my demise
A hint into the riddle of guise
That from deep within, the answers arise

So let the riddle belie
So that the river runs by
And now that all is symbolized,
We let the flock arise

Let the river of blood and tears go on
Allow ourselves to be burned by the sun
When the time comes, we will know
When the time comes, we will grow

So let the river run by
Let the riddle belie
Let the flock run wild

Let the river run dry
Let the symbolized die
Let the flock run wild

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