Hymns of Pyre

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This is where it all begins
A room full of disturbing grins
Corners curling, like they know
They know a little too much

About a time left in space
A darkening hole stuck in place
Irreversible static
A kind of secretion

This is where it all begins
Overcoming primordial sin
A merging with shadow
Don't ever turn back

Their grins of doubt ensure failure
I've come to know you, and love you
Still, I descend into shadow
If anyone mourns, it's okay, so be it
Just don't ever look back

This is where it all begins to go wrong
Breaking free, a sound of the crimson song
I was never meant to hear
With unworthy sword in hand
And clasped with guilty ear

For shadow knows not death,
It turns its edge not to me
The message well received, that I'm to torture
For all this world's unceasing breadth
'Til my wounds open and seethe

I never imagined it could go so wrong
My wounds have long healed
Their stitches left in history
A boundless hole my flesh has sealed
That grew unending inside of me

My husk, in chains
Undressed, exposed of every scar
My life's work just before me
Condemned to be undone
So let there be that ancient pain
Through which every scar reopens

Ready the elixir, O' sinful one
For sounds of crimson song shed once more
Let me, drain me 'til but a husk I become
With mine own sword, divest of every flaw
Confess of each mistake

Evoke the red goddess
Reveals she her vast and viscous drapes
And sings again her sweet agony
Come once more her cleansing pyre

Her fire burns, my flesh is seething
My scabs, by imps, are picked unceasing
This must go on 'til all is broken down
And the core spills forth

No hope for release is freeing
My soul, unbound, at last it's breathing
This must go on 'til all is melted away
And reveals itself the ceaseless lie

The goddess dressed in my crimson pain
In her wickedness, forgives
Yet holds out to me the belial fruit
Commanded to consume, I sink my teeth
To taste the bitterness of the lie

From my shadow, will I ever awake?
This condemnation to consume from my wounds
Is this forever,
Do her hymns know mercy?
I know well my mistake
I've tried to heal, I've tried to move past the guilt
But if all that awaits me is this atrophic cycle
Then when does the numbness begin?

Oh, but how I do yearn to move past my penance
And return to my loved ones a new me
That their nasty grins should be proven wrong

"There is hope yet,"
She sings in sanguine voice
As she wipes a tear from my face
Revealing something clear, crystallized

At last something void of color
I hand that of mine to the one bound in chains
As I must eat of his fruit,
He must drink of my tears
I must admit this is who I am
To merely acknowledge the lie is not to transcend

I will see a new me, someday
One that grew from the very same
One I swore to reject
If this is forgiveness, I think I've begun
My tears will show a path back to the course of time
Their crystallized edges reflect all possibility
Her lacerating caress will teach me how it's done

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