5. Daddy Dearest (interlude)

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Brie's POV (Brie's house)
After being able to read Ashly's thoughts last week about our father I decided to make some arrangements with Shyann while we I agreed that we both watch Ava today.

"Brie, I don't think we're should be doing this." Shyann moaned irritably.

"Don't set up here and act like you don't wanna know why daddy left and never kept in contact." I simply responded.

"I never said that, but don't you think that's opening up some wounds, this can't wait till after the wedding?" Shyann asked.

"Look I know what I heard, and that's that just cooperate with me please!" I frustratedly responded to my sister.

Shyann rolled her eyes at me and took the only picture she could find of our father and handed it to my as I put it in the water filled cauldron.

Shyann took the scrying crystal and map as we started to chant together.

"Being who may not be hiding,
But we wish to seek,
Where you are awoken,
Or even sleep,
Reveal yourself for our eyes to peep!"

Soon as we finished chanting the scrying crystal dropped.

"I can't believe it, that bastard has been living two neighborhoods away from us, this whole damn time!" I said shaking my head as my heart was heavy.

Ava started to cry and Shyann immediately got on it because with Ava being half siren her cries are pretty powerful.

Shyann came back with Ava in a car seat as we walked outside.

Shyann buckled Ava then she hopped in the passenger.

"Teleportato!" We said together you take us out of our realm.

For some reason my heart was beating, I can't believe that we were actually about to do this, I felt a whirlwind of emotions in my gut, it was almost unbearably torturing.

The car ride was dead silent, I didn't need Shyann's empathy power to know she was feeling the same exact way I was feeling or worse.

Just a few minutes of driving we finally pull up to the address and the house was bigger than I expected.

"You think he has another family?" Shyann asked.

"Either that or he's running a whore house." I responded.

Shyann slightly smirked, "You sounded like Gabby." She pointed out.

"Girl let's get this over with." I said as we parked to the side and I proceeded to take Ava out of her car seat.

"So we just walking up to the door? What's gone be said once the door is open? 'Hey daddy we found you now come to your eldest daughter's wedding'?" Shyann asked making a good point, but at the same time I feel like the man doesn't even deserve the slightest explanation from us whatsoever.

"Shyann I don't need the power of premonition to know how this is going to go, one of our half siblings or his new wife, that's if he's married is going to open the door and see us with Ava, and mistake us for one of his side bitches or some like that and we'll just simply say we're related in a different way, then BOOM he'll come to the door and we'll be standing there in silence until one of us finally speaks, it happens in almost black movie." I said all in one breath.

"You always talked more than usual when nervous, but to have the power to actually feel how you feel, it's overwhelming sis." Shyann said basically telling me to calm my nerves in the nicest way she knew how.

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