2. Manor Mayhem

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Normani's POV
Ever since my sisters moved out of the house demons have been coming in left and right looking for them, basically doing anything to catch their attention, while they're getting the magical community together my coven and I have been taking care of things down here.

Ariana, Zendaya, and I have been on edge all day, finally everything has been calm.

Zendaya comes walking downstairs with some potions and Ariana and I quickly jumped off the sofa watching tv.  

"Uhm the hell are you doing?" Ari and I asked in unison.

"What does it look like? I'm going to the underworld and I'm ending this once and for all! I'm half demon, should be able to handle myself." Zendaya said trying to leave in a hurry.

"Potions!" I shouted then the potions orbed out of Zendaya's into mine.

"Now you know if you really wanted to go to The Underworld, it's not out the door girl." Ariana stated, "Plus we don't need any of your cousins crawling back in here." She finished.

"Hardy har har, very funny, for a witch who's half Cupid I'm not really feeling the love." Zendaya said to Ariana.

"Well love conquers all, but I hate that you're going to look for trouble when we're finally able to relax." Ariana said as she started to put her head in my shoulders.

"Okay to the tell truth I go out demon hunting to let off some steam, so I didn't mind the constant attack thing because it was a stress reliever, and I guess being raised by my mother a witch, my demon side has always been suppressed, but I don't know when I get to vanquish, I just feel a rush, so my bad guys." Zendaya said.

The bell rings and Ariana quickly gets up saying, "I'll get that before Z goes up vanquishing random guest."

Omniscient POV
Once Ariana opened the door it was Blair showing up with a bouquet for Normani.

"Oh em gee, that is so cute, if Mani doesn't take it, I will, anyway come on in." Ariana said in a gushy tone.

Normani adjusted herself on the sofa and quickly became alerted.

"What's wrong with you? You aren't happy to see your mans?" Ariana asked.

"I don't think that's him." Zendaya said.

"Of course its me." Blair said.

"You're lying, Blair has a special knock and he knows I'm not a big fan of flowers." Normani stated.

"Fine! You caught me!" The demon posing as Blair said.

The demon conjured a energy ball throwing it at Normani.

"Energy ball!" Normani shouted as it blew up in white and blue orbs the force was powerful it knocked back the witches and the demon even shattering some items.

Zendaya was the first to get back up bleeding from her head, then Ariana, and finally Normani.

As they all faced the demon getting up looking at them.

"Who sent you here?!" Zendaya demanded.

The demon scoffed, "As if I would tell you." He said.

Zendaya turned her wrist and clenched her fist, the demon whenced as his knees fell to the floor as he started to choke.

"You obviously were sent by someone who knows us very well judging off who you shape-shifted into." Ariana stated.

"I'm not telling you shit BITCH!" The demon said still choking.

"One thing about me is I'm a very advanced empath while my friend over here is using her telekinesis to choke you, I can reflect the pain you're already feeling onto you and increase times 10, until you're dead, so if I were you I'd start talking, NOW!" Ariana ordered.

"Fine, fine!" The demon said finally cooperating as Zendaya let go of her hold.

"First is Blair hurt?" Normani asked.

"No he's not hurt, I was just doing what I was told." Demon responded.

"What were you told?" The three young witches asked in perfect unison.

"My master Kristos, he's one of the 5 demons of The Quintrix, sent me here to kill the whitelighter-witch who's sister of The Charmed Ones." The demon finally answered.

"Kill me for what?" Normani asked shocked.

"Because... if one of The Charmed Ones die then their power automatically weakens, but with you still being alive it may be a possibility of reconstituting TPO5."

"Kristos? The Quintrix?" Normani asked.

"I've said too much." The demon said with regret in his tone as he conjured a energy ball then vanquished himself.

"What the hell? Such a coward!" Zendaya exclaimed at what she just seen.

"Down girl!" Ariana said.

Normani walked over to Zendaya and healed her wound on her head.

"I'm orbing to Charmada to tell my sisters what happened." Normani said as she teleported in white and blue lights.

Kristal's POV
Ever since Kameron has been born, Luke and I have been arguing non-stop.

"Kameron's crying, you don't wanna check on your child?" Luke asked me as soon as he walked in our living room.

"So he's crying and you just walked right pass him?" I asked irritated.

"Of course not, I did everything I could do and he was still crying, and the twins are sleep so therefore I need you to work your motherly magic, but it seems like you lost that when the twins turned one." Like said and that kinda hurt me that time fureal.

"Damn it! I'm so sorry, I'm soooo sorry, that I'm having trouble being a witch trying to make rules for a whole group of people, making sure I'm a good sister, a good wife and now a mother of three who's only a year apart, I'm sooooo sorry! Are you happy now?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs finally breaking down.

"A classic case of post pardon, I should've known when we didn't even throw a birthday party for the twins, and how after a few weeks you barely held Kam." Luke said comforting me.

"You'll still right though, it was just and still is so overwhelming, but it's not like I still couldn't do my part, as a mother and a wife I just subconsciously put everything on you and not even taking in consideration on how you were feeling, and like I said, I'm so sorry." I said from the bottom of my heart.

"We're married, so therefore you're apart of me, I'm apart of you, we're a team, we gotta talk about stuff like this." Luke said I just simply smiled.

Soon as Luke and I talked things out Normani orbed in the middle of the living room looking panicked.

"It's not now a good time?" Normani asked before she started to ramble.

"Yes sis, everything is fine now." I simply responded.

"Not necessarily." Normani said giving me a certain look.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked which had me wondering the same thing.

"Well a demon attacked at the manor today, he shape-shifted into Blair, but we figured out very quickly that it wasn't him." Normani answered.

"Now why in the world would he shape-shift into him?" I asked confused as catdog.

"That's what I was leading to." Normani semi snapped. "Anyway he said a demon named Kristos sent him to take me out because whoever sent him knows if You, Ashly, Brie, Gabby, or Shyann dies, that means I can fill in the blank of keeping The Charmed Ones going." Normani finished explaining.

Luke's whole demeanor changed, "Oh shit... The Quintrix has came earlier than I expected." Luke said in a audible, but also faint tone.

"Now who the hell is The Quintrix?!" I asked.

".... My old bosses." Luke said as he looked to me.

TPO5: Still CharmedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin