4. The Brooms are Back Pt. 2 (Power Switch)

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Omniscient POV
While magical creatures of all shapes, sizes, forms, and looks came in and out the Rowland Manor filing in complaints and pitching in ideas, they all left a piece of something to help come up with a massive potion to stop The Quintrix.
"Do you think our sisters are okay?" Brie asked.

"I'm sure they got the demon, they're probably bonding and our necklaces would've glowed if something would've happened." Gabby responded.

"True shit." Shyann responded.

*A view at The Quintrix*
"We need the blood of a first born witch to make us stronger." Kristos stated.

"We have 3, Kristal, Ashly, & Normani." Ashentas stated. "Kristal and Gabby share the same father whilst Ashly, Brienna, and Shyann have the same father, and Normani is the oldest twin and she's half whitelighter." He continued.

"Normani isn't a charmed one, it wouldn't be the same." Kristos groaned.

"But she's a descendant of Destiny Chase, one of the most powerful witches of all time who's mother was one of the 1/3 of the first sister witches." Ashentas replied.

"Screw it we need a new plan, maybe we can get them to give up their powers, we need somebody they can trust, and if we can also get the book it'll definitely be hard for them to get their stability back for sure." Kristos said.

"Wait no! No! I got it!" Ashentas said as a light bulb went off.

"Yes Ashentas, What is it?" Kristos asked in excitement.

"Let's not necessarily attack, but we will send a message, Luke forgot that he wrote a oath in blood that he'll serve us till no end, but somehow he broke that when he became an official whitelighter." Ashentas started to trail off.

"But yes Ashentas you're forgetting that Luke is now a father and his eldest son Khristopher is also born with the piece of the ocnic in him all we have to do is connect to the ocnic to get to Luke so he can use his warlock side to steal the girls powers." Kristos said as Ashentas smiled devishly.

"We'll tell the others." Ashentas said as they disappeared in the dark.

*Back at The Manor*
While Brie, Gabby, and Shyann were reviving spells and cooking up a plethora of potions they realized they needed to know more about their enemies before they moved forward.

"LUKE!" The girls yelled in unison.

Luke appeared in a swarm of black and white lights with Kameron in his arm across his chest and Khris holding onto his other hand.

"Where's K'Lynn?!" The girls immediately asked scared.

"Just wait for it." Luke slightly smiled. "K'Lynn! Listen to daddy's voice, come and find me babygirl!" Luke started shouting.

In a few seconds K'Lynn appeared in the midst of flames.

"Woah what the hell was that?" Gabby asked.

"Well since I'm a whitelighter, demon, and a warlock and they all have a special type of way they teleport, I guess my demon gene activated and since K'Lynn was born with a piece of the ocnic in her not only does that make her a powerful witch by birth, but a upper level demon as well so instead of orbing, shimmering, or blinking she flames." Luke responded.

"What it be wrong if I think that it's cool that my niece has pretty awesome demonic powers?" Gabby rhetorically asked.

"Chile let's move on." Brie said dismissing what Gabby was saying.

"Yeah, let's move on to what you really called me for.... The Quintrix right?!" Luke said cutting to the chase.

Before the conversation continued Luke slightly swung his hand and in the living room appeared a crib and a mat showing up in black and white lights.

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