Of course these are his.

Contemplating if I should take them off or just leave them on, deciding on the latter because I don't want to give this man a show or anything. Cocking the gun up towards his head I respond back.

"Don't fucking call me that." Did I ever mention that he has dimples. Very deep dimples that just suits him

What the fuck am I going on about? Who gives a shit that he has dimples. He fucking kidnapped me!

Get that through your thick skull Wooyoung!

"Oh I'm sorry. Would you want me to call you something like cupcake? Buttercup? Princess even?" He smiles and goes to the table with a lamp on it and opens the drawer. Pulling out some cologne, dabbing some on his wrist and then some on his neck.

"Neither you piece of shit!" San kinda falls back with hands on his chest, masking on a hurt expression. Goes back into the drawer to take out a gold watch and necklace, putting them on. "Now babyboy. Are you that mad?"

Now at this moment he starts to walk over to the side I'm standing. I walk back so I can keep a good distance, but I'm cut off by the wall.


Seeing me not be able to go anywhere else San starts to walk faster right to where I'm holding the gun. He gets right in front of it and actually moves the gun up to his forehead.

"Are you going to shoot me or what babyboy?" Tears start to cloud my vision a bit. You would think being in a situation like this I would have surely been pulled the trigger, but something about him is stopping me. I have no idea what it is, I fucking hate it, but something of him is stopping me.

"C'mon. Be a big boy and show me what you got." Grazing my fingers over the trigger. San senses my hesitation and it's like a switch turns on. Everything happened so fast.

His eyes go dark and I jump a bit when San pushes the gun to the side a bit too aggressively. Moves and gets closer to me. Chest to chest.

So close now that I have to look up to him. He looks down to see I'm still holding the gun and places his hands over mine and moves it to rest under his chin.

My eyes go wide.

Holy. If he pulls the trigger his brains would really get blown out now.

I close my eyes and feel tears stream down my face as he starts to yell at me. "What the fuck are you waiting on? I'm right here in front of you! Fucking pull the god damn trigger, princess!" As he yells he grips the gun a bit too tight and now my hand feels like it's cramping.

He seemed to get too out of it because he actually pulls the trigger.

I scream, drop the gun and don't dare open my eyes. Not wanting to see all the blood it must have created and-

I jump once I feel hands on my hips. Opening one eye I'm faced with no blood or anything.

What the hell?

Just faced with the man alive and well in front of me. Did he not pull the trigger or what? Thinking back to it, I didn't hear a big bang or nothing loud.

Gripping his face to see if he is real or not. He smiles a big smile and just stares down at me. "Y-Yo-You're not dead! How?!" San laughs and takes one of my hands that was holding onto his face and brings it to his mouth. He kisses my palm, still staring at me. I'm too stunned to pull my hand away.

"One of these days baby, you're going to be able to shoot without hesitation." I'm going to what now? That still didn't answer my question on why he is still breathing and standing right in front of me.

He grips both my wrist and pull them down to my side and leans down. Smiles and says, "But your first lesson will be what a safety is and when it's on." A what? He kisses my nose and laughs.

He walks over to this other drawer and quickly puts on some black adidas pants. He didn't take off the towel he kinda just put's on the pants under it. This means he is going commando.

If this is no other reason to literally not look down. Don'y you dare Wooyoung!

He comes back over to stand in front of me. "In the meantime let's go get something in your tummy. Ok?" San raises one of his arms and it goes under the shirt i'm wearing. He rubbed my stomach as he said going to get something to eat.

Not to mention he is as shirtless as anyone can be. I go red once my stomach makes a loud sound to indicate I very much want food. San clasps his hand with one of mine and starts to drag me to the door.

"Wait!" Fucking hell Wooyoung! I need to train my mouth to stop blurting shit whenever it wants too. San turns around, looks down at me and raises one eyebrow. "Where..." I look down and breathe in. Trying to gain the confidence to ask a very simple question, but with San just staring down at me like this. I just can't.

San gently places his hand on the side of my neck. "You're going to have to speak up babe. I can't mind read." I kinda snuggle into his hands once he starts to massage that part of my neck. Why did I never realize how sore I am right here? "Where...Where exactly are we?"

San answers with a wide smirk on his face.

"Well I'll have you know princess we are in Canada."

I stop being in that "relaxing mindset" and just freeze. I hear him chuckle and he moves his hand to grip my shoulder.

Mans kidnapped me and brought me to Canada! A whole different country. What exactly does he do for him to just do all of this?

I bite my cheeks to keep myself from shouting exactly all of that out loud and just go to take the hand on my shoulder and hold onto it. Allowing him to drag me out the door and get food.

Mine.  Ateez  Gang AU {UNDER EDITING AND NO WHERE NEAR COMPLETED AS A STORY} Where stories live. Discover now