Good lord I see planes. Please don't tell me he about to make me go on one of those.

I look out the window and see the man go and join a group of about four other guys, them pointing to the car I'm in, from time to time. One with blue hair is snuggled into a guy with black hair and smoking a cigarette, looking so intimidating. Even the blue haired one. I think it's cuz of his height.

Another is standing off way, way, to the side with his hands in his front the way he is biting his lips he looks very upset. Then the last one is just standing there with them big ass arms folded. Looking like he drinks protein shakes every 30 minutes.

Good lord, I really can't get anyone mad here.

Ok Wooyoung. If there was a reason to fight, I guess right now would be a good enough reason to try. I absolutely can't get on those death trap people call planes.

I frantically look around to see what I can use to fight him with so then I can try and make a run for it. Hopefully I just get shot and that's it for me. Who knows what this man will do to me once he has me alone in a room or something. Or who knows how long he wants me for. I would rather be dead then be held captive as a sex slave or something. He's in a gang, I wouldn't be surprised if they pimped out little girls to sell.

Ok yea. I have to get the fuck out of here then.

I see they have stopped talking and my captivator has started to walk towards the car i'm in.

I guess it's now or never.

He whips open the car door and I kick his knee as hard as I can. It catches him by surprise and I take that chance to run out the car and down the walkway.

I don't get very far because then I feel arms around my waist. I don't give up though. I start kicking and punching the air in hopes my elbows hit the person who has me. "San. What do I do with him? Your boy won't calm the fuck down!" The person holding me is dragging me closer to a plane I can hear and I get even more restless. I simply can not get on a plane.

I keep going until I feel something on my forehead. At first I didn't give a fuck what it was until I hear his voice right next to my ears and a click of a gun being being ready to shoot. "Keep flailing around like that and I would have to go to drastic measures for your training sweet baby of mine." I open my eyes to see San, I presume as the one who kept me in the car with and after hearing the one holding me, call out his name to ask about me.

The hand that isn't holding the weapon that can easily take me out, comes out and holds onto my waist. He moves close to me and says, "You're getting on this plane wether you want too or not. Although it's your choice if you want to get on it, alive or dead."

For some reason his voice sends chills down my spine and makes me stop trying to fight back. He said it so calm. If he would have said something less life threatening, I would melt at his voice.

Good almighty what the fuck is wrong with me? Mans kidnapped me and here are how my thoughts are going. I wish I can just slap myself.

He squeezes my hip and I whimper some. He smiles at my discomfort and I notice he has dimples. If we were under other circumstances I would have thought he looked like a nice guy.

Again. I want to slap myself.

He even has a gun pointed straight at my head and I come to realize me fighting will get me no where.

His voice is so scary and puts me in the quickest submission and in that moment I allow him to drag me onto the plane without any more complications.

Upon being dragged on the plane I see it looks like a private plane.

So they got money.

Therefore, I can take out me being captured for some ransom money out of the equation. Not like they got anybody to contact for that ransom anyways.

Just what would this guy want with me? I've caused him nothing but trouble and I clearly don't want to be here with him.

The guy who had me, sits me right next to San who has a window seat. He motions for the lady upfront to fetch him a drink. I hear a faint, 'Thanks Jongho,' to the guy who was basically man handling me to get on the plane. Jongho leaves us to be and walks over to this other guy who was sitting, but I guess Jongho told him to get up because he does.

Damn. Just going to take that mans seat-

Never mind. Jongho had went to sit down and he pulled down the other guy on top of him and they just snuggle into each other. I would 'coo,' at this shit being cute, but last time I brought forth any emotions, San went off on me. I don't have time for that again. Looking around some more I see a new face and he looks so fucking excited to be on this plane.

Bruhh. Whatever it takes, please put me on that mental state right now because I'm fucking petrified.

I look to my side and see San take out a pills bottle and shakes out some white looking pills.

Uhhh? Hope those are JUST for him.

Once again, if we were under better circumstances I would be ecstatic on being on such a nice plane where the seats can lay back, but I can't, "Here. Take these." I look to my left and see San holding out the pills and a cup of some brown looking juice.

My body is once again on autopilot once I hear the big engine come to life and I see the plane start to move . The place I've known all my life suddenly starts to get smaller and smaller. I'm in no position to try and break free right now and knowing this guy won't hesitate to lay his hands on me if I don't comply, I take the pills and the cup.

I look up at San in the eyes to see if there is any emotion I can try and pick up out of him. Instead all I see is fierce black eyes watching me take the pills and place it on my tongue.

I take the cup and drink whatever is in it to help the pills go down and hand hand the cap back. San smiles and places the cup on the table in front of us. He then starts to rub my back, very gently and then I can feel my eyes starting to feel really heavy, along with the rest of my body. San lifts the armrest in between us and scoots me closer to him. Placing his arm around my shoulders and a blanket on us.

I allow my eyes to just close, but right before I let the darkness take me all the way I hear him speak, 'Good job baby,' and then his lips are on my forehead.

At the sudden praise I feel warmth in my chest. Before I can get angry at myself again, I finally drift off into dreamland with the feel of San's soft lips on my head, lingering in my memory.

Mine.  Ateez  Gang AU {UNDER EDITING AND NO WHERE NEAR COMPLETED AS A STORY} Where stories live. Discover now