Chapter 15 - Asher

Start from the beginning

Fucking shit. I glare down at my cock that's already jumping in excitement for some more action and force myself to think of something, anything, other than being inside my best friend.

Not today, you desperate fucker. But hopefully soon or we might just die.

I promise I'm not exaggerating.

I finish up with my shower and clean up behind me before throwing on my gym gear, deciding that I should probably train to blow off all this steam. If I sit in one place I'll just keep replaying what happened in Aria's room like a lovesick chick or some shit and walk around with a permanent hard-on. Not my idea of a good time.

"Mom? Dad?" I call out to them when I'm downstairs.

I find them in the guest room playing a game of Twister and smirk at the image of their tangled limbs and angry faces. They're so freaking competitive with each other it's a miracle they don't let it affect their marriage.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I lean against the frame of the entrance.

"Doc said I should exercise my body now that it's healed." Dad groans and reaches as far as he can to place his palm on a blue circle. "I fucking hate exercising so I thought I'd do it the fun way."

"Why not just practice some karate?" I ask because yeah, it turned out my adoptive father has some moves after all.

"Because he's getting too old." Mom reaches under Dad's leg, putting her hand strategically on a green circle. "His aim is way off these days. He keeps breaking shit and I'm tired of gradually losing my furniture."

"Ah, the pure love my wife gives me." Dad rolls his eyes.

"I do love you or I wouldn't be putting my body through this torture." Mom groans.

"We could do other things with our bodies." Dad wiggles his brows.

"You guys are disgusting." I tell them seriously. You'd think they could at least wait until I leave the room.

"So go before you get a front row seat to how good we are in bed." Mom winks and I actually almost throw up. They're fucking lucky I love them enough to put up with this shit.

"I'll be back before midnight." I sling my gym bag over my shoulder and walk backwards, keeping my eyes on them. "You better wrap it up before I get home. I mean that shit."

They wave me off, uncaring, and I roll my eyes. Sometimes I feel like I'm the parent and they're the teenagers.

"Love you." I call out before stepping out of the house. It's still tough for me to say the words to them face-to-face so I'm usually looking away or out of sight when I do. They get it, though. They call back the same sentiment and only then do I close the door behind me.

I punch in the alarm code for the security system Cameron installed for them and make sure it's on. I have to make sure they're safe at all costs, especially after the call I got today. The day where I can no longer dodge my birth parents came way fucking sooner than I thought. I thought I'd bought myself enough time to come up with a plan to get out of this shit but my birth parents found the protection I requested way fucking faster than I anticipated. It just goes to show how desperate they are to get this job done.

I start my drive to Fighter's Den, replaying today's call in my mind on a loop and fucking torturing myself.

"The fuck do you want?" I'd growled into the phone, already knowing it was Mike. He was the only "unknown caller" I'd been getting these days.

"We're ready." He said ominously. His know-it-all attitude ignited my anger within seconds.

"Ready for what? To get the fuck out of my life? About time."

Path To Realization (Fighter's Den, #4)Where stories live. Discover now