Note to Self: Keep BlueTooth Off

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Shit. Shit. Shit.

I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. My stomach was twisted and my skin seemed to buzz. It was the same feelings as when Mom first left, during the first few days I spent watching the driveway, praying she'd return, but deep down knowing she wouldn't.

Now, I kept glancing at my phone, waiting for a text that would surely come, a short message terminating my relationship. But maybe the silence was worse.

How long did I have before Tristan cornered June? Or before Tessa blabbed? I didn't think anyone else had seen, but between the two of them, it was only a matter of time before June found out.

I'd managed to meet with Smitski and slide into Intro to Business; I was the only senior, but at least Dad was off my back. The rest of the day was a total blur.


June. June. June.

How had I been so stupid? How had I not realized how important she was before I was going to lose her? Why should I care if she blew me off from time to time? I should consider myself lucky she made time for me at all.

In a haze, I slogged down the hallways on autopilot. I hardly knew where I was going, just trusted my legs to take me to the right classroom.

My eyes focused enough to zero in on Tessa. She walked side by side with a younger girl with a headscarf. When she caught my gaze, her cheeks darkened and her eyes dipped.

Normally, I'd be thrilled to have such an effect on a girl. It made my day to know that my flirting or even my eye contact could fluster them. But no matter how much I flirted, I'd never fucked up so badly.

And the sight of Tessa's shy smile made my skin crawl.

I snapped out of my daze, only to surrender to fury. Almost plowing down a freshman, I stalked across the hallway.

I fixed Tessa's friend with my typical smile. "Mind if I chat with Tessa in private, love?"

The girl looked at Tessa, who gave a tiny nod. She shifted her bag and kept walking.

As soon as she left, my smile vanished. "Did you say anything?"

Tessa frowned. "Why would I--"

"Did you say anything?" I backed her against a row of lockers.

"No," she answered. "But--"

"Keep it that way. Keep your damn mouth shut!"

She crossed her arms. "Or what?"

I faltered. Her nervousness vanished, replaced by annoyance. I struggled to regain composure. When I pulled out the charm, I could talk to anyone. "Come on, love. This can be our little secret, right?"

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