14 | Exrta Sweet*

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"Alice, how do you make my stage outfits so well?" Freddie asks walking up to me as I was fixing the one for tomorrow nights show. We were in Rio for the last show of the tour this year. "Fred please don't get her started. I asked her once and she went on forever then started to complain about how we always mess them up." Roger whines walking up behind me rubbing my shoulders. "Hey! You're going to mess me up!" I poke him with my sewing needle. "Ouch! This is one reason I hate you." He says taking his hands off me while I laugh at him. "Yet you two have been together for four lovely years." Deaky smiles at us from the couch.

"It would've been longer if I wasn't so dumb to say something earlier." Roger leans over giving me a kiss. "Can I just finish sewing Freddie's outfit!" I laugh shooing them away from me. "Fine, I'll go sit down." Roger says in a sassy tone walking away and Fred follows him. After five more minutes, I finally fixed Fred's outfit. "Finished!" I say folding it and hand it to Fred. "Thank you, darling." Fred kisses my cheek and Roger pulls me down on his lap. "You two make me sick at times." Brian says making me laugh. "Why so?" I ask moving myself next to Roger.

"Because Roger is like a lost puppy without you, then when you two are near each other he can't keep himself away from you. Since meeting you Roger, you never acted like this till you got with Alice." Brian laughs making Roger hold me closer into him. "I understand what you mean Bri. In school till we got together he was never like this, so still at times it's weird for me." I laugh making Roger glare at me. "But I love it!" I look up at him grabbing his face to kiss him. "No one wants to see you two kissing." Deaky jokes covering his eyes making me laugh.

"Says the guy, who I hear with his wife, making baby number three." I get up to go sit next to him hugging him. "I forgot you came over to babysit for the weekend." He smacks me while his face turns red. "I've been in the same situation when Mr and Mrs May made Jimmy." Roger laughs while Brian's face turns red. "I'm lucky I guess." Fred says making us all laugh. "Okay, I'm going to head to bed. Gotta get up early tomorrow to make sure things are nice for the concert." I kiss everyone's cheek heading to the bedroom.


"Good morning beautiful." Roger kisses me as I slowly open my eyes. "Why are you being so sweet this morning?" I ask rubbing my eyes. "No reason, What I can't be sweet to my girlfriend that I love so much?" He gives me sweet kisses. What are you planning Taylor? "No, no it's fine but you're being extra sweet today." I laugh getting out of bed getting dressed for the busy day.

All day I have been confused by Roger. Off and on he would be extra sweet or just ignore me at all cost. "Deaky, Do you know what's up with Roger?" I ask as he watch the crew tune his bass. "Nope, He seems normal to me. Has he been acting weird with you?" He asks turning to look at me. "Yeah, He be extra sweet to me or ignore me like I'm deadly." I say watching Roger talk to Fred in the distance. "He's been ignoring me too. He won't have a full conversation with me." Brian walks up to us and we watch him. "I'm going to go talk to him." I say walking towards him.

"Roger, Did I do something?" I ask and Fred leaves us alone. "Of course not love. Why do you ask such a thing?" He holds my hands. "Because you've been ignoring me at random times, like you'll see me and run off." I start to get upset. "Oh I'm sorry Alice. I didn't mean to act like that... I just keep forgetting things." He kiss the top of my head. "I love you." He hugs me tight. "I love you too."


I watched the show off form the side of stage where I would usually stand. "I can't wait for the day you quit coming on tour." Paul says standing next to me. "Same goes for you too Paul." I cross my arms not looking at him. "I noticed Roger ignoring you for half of the day. I wonder if it's because he maybe found another girl." He bends down to my height. "Listen here Paul. Why don't you just keep your mouth shut and mind you're own business." I spit turning to look at him. "I think I'll pass on that." He smiles and I glare at him. "I see what you're doing to Freddie. You want to control him and have him to yourself. And it kills me that I can't tell Mary what he has been doing behind her back." I take a step towards him poking at his chest.

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