5 | Top Of The Pops

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"You're sure he said 12 o'clock?" Roger asks Brian from across the table

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"You're sure he said 12 o'clock?" Roger asks Brian from across the table. "Yes, 'Midday at the pub, don't be drunk.' That's what he said." Brian tells Roger. "You look a bit nervous, Brian." John looks at him. "John, I'm fine." He says and I laugh. "You're usually so particular." John says making me laugh more. "Just got to be cool." He says back. "Wow." I say as I see Fred. "I didn't know it was fancy dress, Fred." Brian says. "I've gotta make an impression, darling." Freddie opens his arms. "You look like an angry lizard." I joke making the boys laugh. The boys start to joke about it more as Fred takes his seat next to me and I see an man walk our way. "Can I borrow it for Sunday church?" John asks him as the man I saw takes a seat with us.

"So this is Queen. And you must be Freddie Mercury. You got a gift. You all have. "So tell me, what makes Queen different from all the other wannabe rock stars I meet?" He asks the band. "I'll tell you want it is. We're four sorta five misfits who don't belong together, playing to the other misfits." Freddie adds me in surprise me that he counts me at part of the band. "The outcasts right at the back of the room... who are pretty sure they don't belong either. We belong to them." Fred finishes and Brian adds to it, "We're a family." He takes my hand into his and Roger speaks too, "But no two of us the same."

Another man shows up, "Paul

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Another man shows up, "Paul. Paul Prenter... meet Queen... our new signing." He says and we look at each other. "Paul will be looking after your day-to-day." He says and I eye Paul. "Pleasure." He says and Reid talks again. "If I can get you on the radio, maybe I can get you on television." He looks at us. "Top of the Pops?" Roger asks. "Hopefully." Reid says. "And then..." Fred asks him. "And then...It's only the biggest television program in the country. No one is even heard of you." He laughs. Look, I admire your enthusiasm. Of it goods well, if it happens... I've got an promotional tour in Japan in mind." He says and I look at Fred and I know he wants more.

"We'll want more." He says and I knew I was right. "Every band wants more." Reid says and I decide to speak, "Every band's not Queen." I say making the boys smile at me and at Reid, who smiles back at me. "Who are you?" Paul asks me. "Oh Alice, she's part of the band." Roger says smiling at me and Paul eyes me. "For what? When you want some fun?" Paul asks annoying the boys. "No, she's been with Me and Roger since we let Fred in our band before changing the name. I've known her, her whole life and Roger was friends with her in school." Brian says holding my hand again. "She's family and part of this band." John adds and Fred nods his head. "I also made her our assistant from the very beginning. Queen isn't completed without us five." Freddie smiles at me.

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