Chapter Six

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The next morning, the bounty was quiet. The guys had to leave early in the morning, so it was Jay and Cole left aboard the bounty.Cole was laying on his bed reading a book, while Jay was just sitting down on the night stand, just looking around silently. Cole found it weird that Jay wasn't talking, he was usually so upbeat and chatty. He would talk and talk for long periods of time. He missed hearing Jay's voice. Cole let out a long sigh before closing his book. Cole turned his head to see Jay staring at him.

"Jay are you okay?" Cole asked in a gentle tone, causing Jay to snap out of his little trance."Wh-what?" Jay asked, confusion written all over his tiny face."I asked if you were okay?" Cole repeated, his voice filled with concern."I'm fine." Jay whispered, avoiding Cole's gaze. "You sure?" Cole asked. Jay nodded in reply.

Jay was honestly terrified. Out of all the people why did it have to be him. He didn't like being three inches, honestly who would. It made him feel even more helpless and weak. Since he could hardly do anything at this height. It also didn't help with the thoughts that kept clouding his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about the many different ways that something bad could happen to him.

"Hey Jay?" Cole asked. "Y-yeah." Jay acknowledged. "Do u wanna do something like go grocery shopping or something?" Cole suggested. "S-sure." Jay replied, standing up from his curled up position. Cole laid his palm out in front of Jay, causing Jay to let out a squeak. Cole chuckled lightly at Jay's reaction. Jay's cheeks started to turn into a light pink colour. Jay cautiously walked onto Cole's hand."You're going to have to hide in my pocket if that's okay with you Jay." Cole spoke, getting a nod in approval from Jay. Cole then carefully and slowly lifted Jay towards his breast pocket. Jay stepped into the pocket. After Cole checked to make sure that Jay was comfortable, he headed towards the grocery store.

When they arrived at the store, the store was full of other civilians as usual on Saturdays. Cole now has to be extra careful to make sure that no one found about Jay's 'little' situation. Cole's pocket was actually really comfortable. It felt like being in a hammock.The motion felt so soothing. At least it was to Jay. Jay could hear the calming sound of Cole's heartbeat, from his position.

"Okay Jay, whatever you do, do not poke out of the pocket got it?" Cole whispered. "Yep" Jay replied."Okay so we need to get pudding." Cole muttered to himself. Jay perked up at the sound of 'pudding', perking out of Cole's pocket. "Jay what did I tell you about sticking out of the pocket. Do you want to get caught?" Cole scolded."N-no. I'm s-sorry C-Cole." Jay sniffled, fighting back tears and curled up into a ball inside Cole's pocket. Why can't I do anything right? Why do I always manage to screw things up? Jay thought. "Dang it" Cole muttered to himself quietly, realizing that Jay was crying. He quickly walked to washroom and went into one of the stalls, closing the door behind him. He reached into his breast pocket and gently picked up Jay. Jay was curled up into a ball on the palm of my hand. He looked up at Cole with those big blue eyes with tears falling down his cheeks.

"Shh shh it's okay Jay. I'm not mad at you. " Cole spoke in a quiet soothing voice."Y-you're n-not mad." Jay sniffled, wiping the tears off his face."No, I'm not mad." Cole said. " I was just worried someone was going to spot you." "You were w-worried about m-me?" Jay asked. "Yeah of course I was worried about you. You're my best friend Jay." Jay felt his heart break at those words. He really wanted to be more than friends, but Cole only say him as a friend, nothing more. "Are you going to be okay?" Cole asked Jay in concern. "Yep." Jay replied. Cole laid his hand out in front of Jay.

Jay crawled onto Cole's hand. Cole gently put Jay into his pocket, before walking out of the washroom. After half an hour Cole had finished finding all the things on the shopping list. They were about to head to the till before Jay kept calling his name, trying to get his attention."Yeah Jay." Cole replied."I'm hungry." Jay said. "Can I get an Aero's chocolate bar?" "Sure." Cole said, grabbing an Aero's chocolate bar off the shelf.

 Everything came up to a grand total of $65. Cole quickly paid the lady the cash and walked out of the store, carrying multiple bags. Cole put the bags into the trunk of his car. He hopped into the driver's seat. He gently grabbed Jay out of his breast pocket and set him down into the cup holder. He grabbed the Aero chocolate bar and broke off a little piece off and handed it to Jay.Jay greedily grabbed the piece from Cole. "T-thank y-you Cole." Jay thanked him, looking up at him with a big smile on his face, before eating the chocolate."You're welcome Jay." Cole replied, laughing at Jay's antics.

Word Count: 879

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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