Chapter 19

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Kensho and Mavra huff tirelessly, trying to find their way out of the confusing mess of tunnels and paths. Mavra would flap her good wing every once and while to give the both of them some air, but even that wore her out pretty quick. Halfway through their run, black dots clouded her vision. She looks down at her palm, noticing the white light within her fade in and out. She goes faint for a moment and leans on one of the rocks for support. Kensho looks back at her and frowns, forcing himself to stand up straight and help her walk with him.

"Y-You shouldn't have told Thurma to leave us. Now, we'll never get out."

Mavra's ear twitches and she pushes herself away from Kensho's grasp. "I had a ... a right to be upset with her. She lied to us about the Pool of Tears. She doesn't even want to help save my people just because there are a few bad gelfling!" She takes in a deep breath. Even her yelling was giving away her energy.

Kensho's brows scrunch together in frustration and he pulls at his hair. "I know that, Mavra! You think I'm not mad with her?! But ... but she's still our friend. She protected you and I so many times. Even now, when she admitted to lying to us, she was willing to still help!"

Mavra huffs and turns from him stubbornly.

Kensho eyes her in annoyance, but tries to keep his cool. He looks away and grips the straps on his backpack.

"What happened to you?"

Mavra tilts her head in puzzlement.


"What happened to the Mavra I knew who never lost hope. The Mavra who kept pushing forward. The Mavra who listened to everyone and tried her best to be as a good of a leader as her parents combined. The Mavra who even in her doubt, knew that somewhere within her heart and mind, she was right."

Mavra's ears flatten and she keeps her disappointed gaze to the ground.

Kensho smiles gently and grasps her shoulder. "I know that Mavra is still in there. She's just ... scared and worried. But ... so am I. And ... I have no doubt that Thurma is frightened as well." He takes a hold on Mavra's hand and gives it a squeeze, making her look up at him. "We'll get through this. We'll find a way to save everyone together. Just like you said."

Mavra's mouth twitches into a small smile and she holds his hand back. The two perk up when they hear a squick.

"Is that ...?"

Tumby comes bounding down their path happily. Mavra and Kensho smile and hold their arms out to the turtle-like creature.

"Tumby!" The gelfling exclaim, laughing when Tumby jumps into their arms and snuggles with them.

He starts to lick Kensho's cheek, making the two giggle. Kensho shushes Tumby, saying, "Oh, aren't we glad to see you."

"How did he find us?" Mavra asks, petting him on the head.

"I don't know. But ... Thurma must be close by," Kensho answers, walking with Mavra down the caverns.

The three of them stop talking when they hear the garthim moving around. Mavra winces and looks over to Kensho and Tumby with a finger to her lips. Kensho nods in confirmation as they all sneak around the caves quietly. Kensho stops when he comes across a large, beautiful wax statue portraying some of the firelings' history. Mavra eyes the statue and smiles a little.

"You know, I don't care much for the climate down here but ... the scenery is certainly beautiful."

"Breathtaking you could say," Kensho says, smirking at his play on words.

Mavra smiles back at him with her hands on her hips. "Did you make a pun just then?"

Kensho and Mavra laugh a little, but that quickly ceases when the garthim's feet pad louder throughout the caves, making Tumby tuck back into his shell. Mavra looks around the statue and her ears perk when she catches another carving of Chal. "Hey, Kensho, look. It's Chal. The founder of the Dousan village."

Kensho walks over to her and stares at the carving with her. "It is. But ... how did they know about Chal all the way down here?"

Mavra taps her chin in thought before looking up at Kensho. "Do you think he traveled all the way down here?"

Kensho shakes his head in disbelief, saying, "Maybe. But I thought we were the first gelfling to see this place!"

Mavra hums in thought until it suddenly clicks in her mind. "Wait ... wait, wait! Kensho, what if ... what if the fireling were once--"

The two gasp when thunderous stomps shake the ground and make them stumble back. "Oh no ..." Kensho mutters, eyes widening at the sight of skekSil riding the garthim, giggling crazily.

"Shard is MINE!" He shouts, making the statues try to collapse on top of them.

Kensho gasps and pulls Mavra to the side with him, rolling them on their backs, until she ended up on top of him. The gelfling groan and sit up. Mavra looks over her shoulder and quickly pulls Kensho up with her, using her wings to lift them off the ground while also simultaneously missing the fallen crystals. She feels her twisted wing cripple even more and lands them roughly down near a tight hole in the wall. The two pant while looking for Tumby, who was huddled within the hole.

"GIVE ME THE SHARD, GELFLING!" skekSil yells, ordering the garthim to raise his claw high above the two.

Tumby's tentacles shoot out from his shell and he yanks the two gelfling into the tight cave with him. Mavra and Kensho pant heavily, holding each other close. They scream when the garthim starts to break and dig into the hole. Kensho takes Mavra by the hand while Tumby latches onto her free arm.

"Come on!" Kensho shouts, running down the slightly narrow cave before making it into a clear path.

The two look back as the garthim bursts through the tiny tunnel and looms over them threateningly. The gelfling scurry back until they get trapped between the Skeksis's garthim and the wall. Mavra tears up and hugs Kensho tightly.

"Kensho, I'm so sorry! I never even got to--"

"--Mavra, what I really wanted to tell you--"

"I love you!"


skekSil shrieks as tons of rocks fall and push him and his garthim to the side.

The two gelfling slowly open their eyes and look over to the smoke and fire that popped and fizzled in the wall high above them.

"Kensho, Mavra, hurry! Run!"

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