Chapter 14

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"When I was young, my master told me of a creature called a shrookil," Jen tells his soldiers as they all march on through the burnt and dead-looking wood, "They're simple beasts. They breed, they eat, and they try not to get eaten. Just like any other animal. But there's one thing that sets them apart: they sing as they die.

A lament, telling any creature near enough to hear: 'I lived. I lived but now my life is done.' I remember wondering what such a song must sound like ..." He looks around at all of the dead land surrounding him and frowns. " ... Today, all of Thra sings that song."

The Commander frowns, walking his landstrider next to the garthim that his Elder sat upon. "I ... I confess that I hear it too, Mighty Jen. But, my lord, all is not lost yet! We'll find the thieves and your daughter."

A scout from above the sky flies next to Jen, asking, "What orders, Elder Jen?"

Jen looks down, sighing tiredly while rubbing his head. "One of you scout ahead. The rest fly parallel to the burnt path. Look for fire or smoke!"

The scout nods in confirmation as she leads her team forward, giving them orders on what to do and where to go. Jen stares ahead, his heart swelling in worry for his little childling and his wife. He also couldn't help the ever growing doubt in his decision to chase down these thieves. If they truly were doing bad, why would Mavra follow them?

He looks over to the Commander as he speaks, "What will we do with the thieves once we find them?"

Jen remains quiet, staring down at his lap unsurely before sitting up straight with a stiff expression. "We will retrieve the shard and take my daughter home. But just so we are clear, Commander, the thieves are not to be harmed."

The Commander's eyes widen from Jen's bold decision. "Not harmed? But Lord Jen--"

"--The Crystal must be made whole, Commander. But ... I do not think those two are our enemies. If Mavra has gone off with them, then there must be something about them that we don't know," He sighs sadly, the sceptre held tightly in his grasp, "I may have slept away most of my days that I could've spent with Mavra, but I do know for sure that she wouldn't do anything reckless without reason. I taught her well enough to not run on impulse."

The Commander falls silent, not wanting to openly disagree with Jen.

"Tracks!" A scout yells from above, flying over to Jen with her partner.

"Two sets, Elder Jen!"

"They've gone to the ground just ahead!" The other female gelfling exclaims.

"We have them. And soon, the shard!" The Commander says.

The scouts lead both the Commander and Elder Jen over to a burnt down tree with a hole small enough for a poddling at the base of it. The Commander glares and guides the landstrider to step in front of the hole of the tree. "Come out, traitors! Face justice!"

"P-Please ... don't hurt our baby!" A mother podling begs, stepping out of the tree with her husband and her healed baby.

Jen's eyes widen in surprise and his cheeks flush in embarrassment from how harsh his soldiers were towards this innocent family. "You ... you have nothing to fear. Please, come out."

"What is your business here?!" The Commander shouts, earning a glare to be sent his way from Jen.

"W-We were at the castle. The Crystal healed our child," The father responds, holding his wife and child close to him, "B-But when we returned, the blight had devoured our crops."

"Now we seek a new home. Nearer the Crystal. Where it's still warm," The mother adds.

"Have two criminals come this way? A traitor named Kensho and a heretic fire-monster? If so, have you seen either of them with princess Mavra?"

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