Chapter 12

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The Dousan village was caught up in a festive feast, welcoming Kensho back home and the two guests. Mavra was getting her wing fixed by one of the nurses in the clan. She looks over at Kensho's friends and family sitting on a large rug while enjoying the food they managed to scavenge. Thurma sat off awkwardly on the carpet, glancing at Mavra from time to time. She felt herself coil as some of the villagers gave her odd looks. Mavra's smile falters as she watches Thurma squirm uncomfortably.

"There we go, princess Mavra! All patched up," The nurse says, giving her a smile.

Mavra smiles and stands up, thanking the nurse before walking over to sit next to Thurma. She gives her a reassuring smile and blinks in surprise when Kensho's blonde friend hands out a weird food to her. "Want some blooka root, princess Mavra?" He asks her.

She laughs a little sheepishly and shakes her head. "N-No, but thank you. You can just call me Mavra. No need for formalities," She says.

The gelfling boy perks up and nods. "Oh, okay, sorry."

Mavra glances at Kensho, who shrugs. "We're sorry there is so little food, Mavra. The blight has ruined most of our crops," Kolba apologizes.

The other male gelfling with a white ponytail whispers to the blonde, "And what was left, the forest-fire took." The two glare at Thurma as she scoots away.

Mavra glances at Thurma, then back at Kolba before shaking her head. "Oh, no, it's okay. It's actually ... very wonderful! Thank you."

The blonde looks over at Kensho, asking, "Kensho, i-is it safe--sitting so close to ... that thing?" He gestures to Thurma, who looked a little offended.

The gelfling with the ponytail laughs nervously and shoves the blonde. "And how come you're here with the Elders' daughter, no less? Did the Crystalline Eminence release you from service to live happily ever after with your destined mate?" He asks playfully.

Kensho tenses and his ears raise up high. Mavra arches one of her eyebrows. "W-What?"

"Um ... well ... uh ... n-no? We're just trying to help get Thurma home. It's important." Kensho answers, a deep blush still on his face.

"So ... you weren't released?" The blonde asks, taking a bite of the blooka root.

The white-haired gelfling snickers. "Of course he was! Kensho wouldn't just leave. He took an oath! Right, Kensho?"

Kensho hums nervously, drumming his fingers onto the rug while throwing Mavra anxious glances.

"Where is Thurma's home, son?" Kolba asks.

Kensho sighs when his mother changes the subject. "She's from a land deep inside Thra, made of fire! It's much too hot for gelfling, but there's a magic pool that can--"

"Say ..." A random villager says, sniffing, " ... is something burning?"

Everyone slowly turns around and gasps when they see Thurma accidentally catch a tree on fire with her hair.

"Get water!" Another villager yells.

Thurma quickly jumps to her feet, stepping aside for the blonde and Kensho to put out the fire.

"What started it? What happened?" The blonde questions, narrowing his eyes at Thurma, who was trying to hold back her tears.

Mavra stands up and rushes over to help. "Hey, its fine, it's fine. We can just ... beat it out!" She says, lifting up her dress and stomping out the fire with Kensho. She sighs deeply, gesturing to the slightly burnt tree.

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