Chapter 7

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"Three days. Three days at least," Thurma states, walking ahead of Kensho and Mavra. "It barely took one on the way, but ... I can't just rush around as a fireball now. My flames aren't strong enough. If we could just find the path I used ..."

Mavra feels herself grow light-headed as she trudged slowly behind the two. Her breathing becoming shallow. Why do I ... why am I like this, she thinks, still lost in a daze and not listening to Thurma.

Kensho pets the tumbeloth in his arms before sighing. "The Crystal knows what's best ... r-right, little friend?" Kensho asks the tumbeloth, who only stares at Mavra.

Kensho glances over his shoulder and sees how Mavra's legs shake and wobble. She keeps grasping the trees to help push her back up and continue her walk. "Mavra, why are you walking so funny?" He asks her.

She looks back up at him, her face pale and her ears twisted back. "K ... Kensho ..." she mumbles right before falling to the ground, holding her stomach.

Kensho's eyes widen and he rushes over to her. "Mavra!" He exclaims, letting the tumbeloth dangle on one of his arms so he can help lift Mavra up using both of his hands.

Thurma stops walking ahead when she hears the two. She scrambles over to them in dismay. "What? What is it? What's wrong?" She asks.

Mavra groans, feeling her energy come back to her. "I ... I'm fine. S-Sorry, I don't--" She tries standing back up, but ends up leaning into Kensho's embrace by accident. His ears flatten from his beloved friend's sickness, not understanding what's wrong. "No, you're not. Here, let me help you," Kensho says, wrapping one of her arms around his shoulders.

The tumbeloth latches itself to Mavra's arm and snuggles close to her neck. She takes in deep breaths while holding the tumbeloth in her arm. "Th-Thank you ..." She says as Kensho helps her walk, worrying thoughts clouding his mind as he slowly grows more stressed. Thurma's ears twist as she now walks beside Mavra.

What is wrong with Mavra? She's been acting sickly for a while now, Kensho thinks, glancing down at Mavra's tired expression. What if ... they're right. Right about Thra. Have the gelfling really strayed so far from the light? I mean, a lot of us are greedy bullies. Maybe ... maybe something does need to change, he thinks, his frown deepening.

He glances up at Thurma who was talking to Mavra to lift her spirits.

Good things happen when you help good people. Thurma's good. Mavra's definitely good. I'm doing the right thing. Definitely, Kensho thinks, trying very hard to reassure himself.

Thurma gasps and runs ahead of the two. "Kensho, Mavra, look! I found it! I think this is the path I used to get here!" She announces, jumping down into a burned and crisp ditch.

Kensho arches one of his white brows, looking around the place.

"Huh. It looks different when you're not a fireball," Thurma says simply.

Mavra's head shoots up as her ear twitches. "It's ... all burned ..." She says in shock.

Kensho growls under his breath, his grip around Mavra tightening. "You're crazy! Look what you did here, Thurma!" He scolds her angrily.

Thurma glares at him and stomps her foot. "Don't shout at me!" She yells.

Kensho groans and drops his head low. "You shattered the Crystal. Mavra is weak. Oooh ... we shouldn't be helping you," He mutters, slapping a hand to his forehead.

"Then why are you, Kensho?" Thurma asks, feeling ticked off by his shouting.

"It just ... it felt like the right thing to do!"

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